Store : Yoga in the Spirit Worlds | April Online Course

Yogi Stretching forest within


A 4-Week Online Course Module for Pathways to Bliss:


April 3rd – Powers of Light and Sound
April 10th – Threshold Guardians
April 17th – Full Embodiment in Sacred Space
April 24th – Path of the Mystic on the way to Enlightenment – Kealakupua

Every Yoga Ritual offers new Pathways for embodiment, bliss, and blossoming of your highest potential. (MORE DETAIL BELOW)

All Classes are on Saturdays, 10 AM HST (1 PM PST, 3 PM CST, 4 PM EST)

This month-Long course includes access to our Private Soul Medicine Facebook Group, a ½ Hour private Zoom Quantum Healing session with Marya, Full Replays of classes, and Advance and Follow-up Resource Readings


What is the perfect symbol for the Soul and Oversoul? Is it a Lotus, a Rainbow, a Tree? Are the symbols and visions we have for our spiritual selves different for each one of us? Or do we share common themes, journeys, and outcomes? Or Both?

As we learn the languages of the Soul and explore the facets of our Diamond-Like Bodies that radiate from us as auras of Light, Sound, and Vibration, the deep embrace of the web of life informs, comforts, and transforms us.

In this Month’s program, you’ll learn Visionary Practices for the Yoga Mystic through inquiry and insight while experiencing a unique kind of Yoga that evolves, strengthens, awakens, and integrates the physical body within the geography of the Spirit Worlds.

Our Gift to You: Initiation into the Higher Stages of Yoga.

Why? Samadhi is the Tool, not the Goal.


Your Vibration Affects the Biofield whether you think about it or not. Our interactions via Light and Sound with the Field can either uplift or undermine our lives. Who we are, where are we going, how we focus, and how effective are all depend on our awareness of the field of multi-levelled vibrational energies of the Field.

Sound attunes and Light transfigures in this Field, which is conscious and intelligent. This Field will share its mysteries if we ask respectfully and consistently.

We’ll tap into the powers, sounds, and visual imagery used in wisdom traditions the world over. Through a journey to the World Tree, the Tree of Life, and our mirroring of it in Tree Pose – Vriksasana – we come to know the patterns of Nature that can heal and enlighten us. Through Tibetan Meditation and Evolutionary Yoga practice, we discover the fullness, depth, and presence of our true nature.


The way we hold and move our bodies reflects a history of perceptual patterns that shape how we feel about the world. These Mental Maps chart territory inside and outside the body and affect everything about us. Freedom from mental confusion stemming from these patterns through yoga asana practice, when done mindfully, is a “mini-theater” of the mind and heart, teaching both visceral and intellectual truths if we are attentive.

Together with visionary practices brought to us by ancient shaman, ancestors, and guides, Yoga helps us to transcend ordinary life and move into sacred space where we can deeply connect with Source.

In this illuminating hour-long class, we will explore the role of gatekeepers in the spiritual dimensions. Threshold Guardians can help, hinder, inform, trick, stand in your way, speak in riddles, be dead or alive, or transform into magical vehicles that instantly transport you to where you want or need to be.

You will connect with Nature, embody your Soul, align conscious, subconscious, and superconscious aspects of your being, and engage your Threshold Guardians in the Spirit Worlds.


How do you ask for guidance in the Spirit Worlds when the material world is in chaos? When all your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energies connect, they create a coherent Flow that raises your vibrational frequency – even in the midst of turmoil. In this sacred state, we can align with and communicate with transpersonal spirits for insight and awakening.

When you begin a new project or need some advice on an issue, preparing the ground through Yoga Rituals and invoking the visionary consciousness for Spirit help is deeply supportive. Full embodiment of our sacred vitality while making these journeys to non-ordinary states is key to balance in material and mystical worlds.

Mystical Traditions, the Monomyth and Shamanic teachings offer maps of the sacred worlds that open new vistas and point the way to happiness, hope, and creativity. We’ll explore Yoga for expanded consciousness through the tiniest of micromovements and draw from our experiences to appreciate and write Mystical Poems.

April 24 — Path of the Yoga Mystic: An Initiation

In the human journey, there are trials and ordeals that may throw us off-center or confuse our bodies and minds. But as the body, heart, mind, and spirit become more balanced, clear, and stable through consistent and devoted practice, we feel more wholeness and contentment in the vibrational biofield.

In ancient Hawaiian tradition, the Path of the Mystic on the Way to Enlightenment is known as Kealakupua. Each step of the way offers a deeper understanding of ourselves and how we can ignite more healing for ourselves, each other, and our planet.

In the last class of the month of April, we will journey to interact with our Oversoul and Spirit Teacher for deep restoration and nourishment.



Energy Healing for the Upper Triangle – Chakras 5-8


Energy Healing for the Lower Triangle – Chakras 1-4


Oversoul, Spirit Teacher, & Ancestral Dialogues


The New Time & New Paradigms


I created the Pathways to Bliss program after 30 years of study, practice, and research to find a way through grief, depression, shame, and pain that would be authentic, empowering, and uplifting.

To tap into the deeper currents of vital and healing energy, I discovered that Yoga’s conscious breathing exercises, deep energy work, and subtle body awareness could remove blockages in the nervous system and subconscious. But to make the larger shifts that I needed, I needed to return to the Indigenous teachings and Shamanic wisdom that operated on the symbolic and mythic levels. Moving the body, emotions, and mind – while essential – were only the first steps in the journey to wholeness.

The old paradigms of positive thinking and raising your vibrations may help us in the short-term, but they don’t lead to the health and full recovery of our Soul in the fullest sense. Because our societies suffer from so much personal, collective, and ancestral Soul fragmentation and loss, we are now needing to restore at the deepest levels of our being.

Now is the time. We are the people. Please join us to open the pathways between your superconscious, conscious and subconscious aspects of mind. You can align and transform yourself into an intuitive, empowered healer and co-creator of your life, and the sooner the better.

I am thrilled to share this journey with you! You can discover more and register here!

Marya Mann is an author, speaker, and founder/director of Kona Coast Yoga & Wellness…

… a center focused on nurturing students, clients, and friends in these challenging times. She is committed to supporting and inspiring effective, practical, and happy agents of change to create new spaces for peace, creativity, and sustainability.

Marya has taught at Regis University, the International Yoga Teachers’ Association, Kaskaskia and Hawaii Community Colleges, the New Thought Center of Hawaii, and at spiritual centers throughout the U.S., Indonesia, and Australia.

She is the author of Bali Dream Chronicles and the screenplay Ancient Dances, and is featured with the Dalai Lama and Bruce Lipton in the anthology, Healing Our Planet, Healing Our Selves. She has worked with Ashtanga masters Richard Freeman and Maty Ezraty, Yoga and Yoga Therapy pioneers Mukunda Stiles, Shiva Rea, and Erich Schiffman. Deeply influenced by the sacred dances of Emilie Conrad, Indigenous leaders, and Hawaiian Hula, she continues to evolve new movements in the practice of Evolutionary Yoga Flow, a teaching she developed to contain the uncontainable mysteries of Yoga, Energy Medicine, and Shamanism.

Her celebrated newsletter Brave New Views —about life, love, Yoga, and keeping a sense of humor in seriously challenging times – is published monthly and her work appears in Yoga Hawaii, Ke Ola Magazine, Elephant Journal, and Light on Consciousness. The Youtube Channel, Evolutionary Yoga Flow offers Online classes, study, courses, and Medicine Movements to help people out of tight spots.

Her teaching, writing, and artwork reflect her love for Nature, island cultures, and sacred movement, while her Quantum Healing and Soul Medicine courses reveal her belief that the Soul is mightier than the sword, the pen, or any of the world’s problems.

Learn more at


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