Store : Soul Medicine: Engaging the Illuminated Heart | Online ECourse

from $95.00
Soul Medicine engages us in soothing, healing, and initiatory experiences that reclaim our essence, strengthen us as impeccable warriors for peace, and invigorate the three levels of consciousness that comprise our soul cluster. Weaving the spiritual foundations of Yoga, Shamanism, and the Living Arts into the fabric of your life, each conference call, video, mp4, and reading in this online course is a ritual of transformation.
In this 8 week transformational intensive, I will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-energy skills and competencies you’ll need to clear your energy field of unhealthy patterns from the past and move into radiance, healing, and an extraordinary life.
(June 25) MODULE 1: REALIZE – Embrace the Soul Medicine Path of Joy & Wholeness — Opposing Energies Unite as Healing Streams Within Us in Ha-Tha Yoga. We’ll explore preliminaries for this holistic, integrative model for change that weaves together Yoga, Subtle Energy Anatomy, Visualization, and Sacred Dreaming into your personal sadhana, spiritual practice.
(July 2) MODULE 2: VISUALIZE: Journeys to the Sacred Garden and Beyond – Discover the 3 Souls, 5 Bodies, 7 Chakras, and Many Levels of Dreaming for personal Empowerment and planetary well-being. We learn to see life experience through our three sets of eyes located in the Body Soul, the Heart Soul, and the Spirit Soul. Aligning with our Spirit Teacher and Oversoul, we reclaim our wholeness.
(July 9) MODULE 3: AWAKEN: Healing Ourselves – Diagnosis & Knowing the Boundary Between the Body & the Universe. How we relate to the atmosphere is a direct reflection of who we think we are, how we feel about ourselves, our cosmology and inner myth-making, and our commitment to spiritual evolution. We will explore the teachings of Je Tsongkhapa, an awakened scholar Yogi of the 15th century in Tibet and founder of the global Gelugpa school of Tibetan Buddhism.
(July 16) MODULE 4: LOVE: Healing Others While Staying Clear, Regulating Your Systems through Energy Medicine & PSYCH-K. Sustaining your well-being. Nothing exists without its opposite, which gives us hope and balance in any situation. Since you are limitless and infinite by Nature, you are spinning the quality of the energy you radiate, and affect every other atom in the Universe.
(July 23) MODULE 5: CONNECT: Languages of Love – How to Manage Your Inner Responses to External. Events We’ll examine maps of the Subtle Energy Bodies and the circuitry of your inner pathways – nadis and meridians and nerves — and discover why past patterns are so hard to break. Then we’ll re-program certain commands to run deep in your nervous system — and easily overwrite old programming.
(July 30) MODULE 6: CLARIFY: Ancestral Lineages, Trauma & Extractions. We each have Family, Affinity, and Soul sources in our present lifetime. Drawing genograms for these lineages helps us to anchor awareness in the present and become more clear about who we are and where we are going. It also supports boundaries that contain us and clarifies what we choose to allow into our energy field. We’ll learn specific Polynesian, Cherokee, PSYCH-K, and Indigenous rituals for Forgiveness and Completion.
(August 6) MODULE 7: CREATE: Quantum Healing through Soul Retrieval – Knowing the Heaven that Lives Within & All Around You. Creativity is not something we do; it is who we are. Cellular movement and evolution are happening all the time. We are a vital facet of Creation creating more and more beauty, truth, and goodness. When we let go of the small mind, the ego-driven false personality patterns, larger waves of cosmic creativity animate us, and the feeling is glorious.
(August 13) MODULE 8: ELEVATE: Global Liberation – Ceremony for Healing our Planet. We will co-create a ceremony for global peace, healing, and transformation and look at how we want to share this work in our local communities, if that is keen for you. You’ll have the inner compass, the intention, and the tools you need to continue your Soul Medicine-making long into your happy future!
Learn the steps laid out by the ancients to achieve happiness and relieve your own and others’ suffering. Through visual inspiration, guided meditations, discourse, and personal support your journey to find your own Soul Medicine is a ceremony of empowerment, awakening, and spiritual evolution. Level I & Level II participants will receive a certificate in Soul Medicine upon completion of the course, which counts toward the Teacher Training Certification in Evolutionary Yoga Flow.
WHEN: JUNE 22/25*- AUGUST 13
*Mondays, 1:00 pm – Weekly Videos are Released on Youtube to view at your convenience.
*Thursdays, 1:00 – 2:00 pm (HAWAII TIME) – Zoom Teleconference, Discourse (Recordings will be available)
*Thursdays, 2:00 – 2:30 pm: Group Sharing, Q & A – Continues on Zoom.
June 25
July 2,9,16,23,30
August 6,13
Any Time or Day you wish: Evolutionary Yoga Flow Gentle Hatha & Vinyasa classes and tutorials on YouTube
FEE:* Pay full-price $190, or request a scholarship to pay $95.
*Conscious Commerce is offered to those who contact us (below) with your request, explain your need, and say why you ought to have a scholarship or work/study.