Yoga for Your Radiant Soul - FREE Introduction
Sat, Nov 28, 2020

YOGA FOR YOUR RADIANT SOUL Free Introduction this Saturday, November 28th, 2020
Ancient breathwork, movement, and creative sadhana cultivate deep communion with the radiance of our Souls. In this special Yoga practice, with gratitude and grace for our evolutionary process, we will explore the holographic and energy bodies that connect us as individuals with a unified world.
If we commit to a loving and compassionate world, we must ourselves become balanced, clear, loving, and compassionate. For many thousands of years, Yoga practices have cultivated this kind of wisdom and love. Through rituals of strength, insight, and awakening, in a circle of kindred spirits, we will tend the inner flame needed for “The Great Healing” envisioned by indigenous leaders all over the Earth.
WHO: YOU and Marya Mann, who has been leading Yoga, Dance, and Ceremonial events for more than 30 years. Her goal in teaching, writing, consulting, and performing is to empower, align, and integrate our bodies with heart, energy, and Spirit. Her approach is friendly, non-binary, trauma-sensitive, fun, and soulful.
WHAT: You are warmly invited to receive this FREE GIFT of extraordinary peace!
WHEN: Saturday, November 28th at 10 AM HST (12 PM PST, 2 PM CST, 4 PM EST)
WHERE: Please join us ONLINE. You’ll receive Zoom Keys after you REGISTER HERE!
WHY: This Gentle, Invigorating Sacred Movement Class is….
1 – A Thanksgiving Gift to YOU, focused on radiance-promoting Ojas, your inner nourishment.
2 – An exploration of the power of Agni, your inner digestive fire, to create Ojas, which feeds every cell, tissue and organ. If your inner fire is weak, the digestive system cannot create this subtle essence. With strong Agni, your energy becomes clear, your mind is content, and you are full of life’s wisdom fire.
3 – This is a FREE Introduction to an Online Series on Yoga for your Soul running for three Saturdays, December 5th, 12th, & 19th, 2020.
Please join us ONLINE for this FREE one-hour YOGA FOR YOUR RADIANT SOUL class on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, November 28th, at 10 AM HST (12 PM PST, 2 PM CST, 4 PM EST)
Event Location