
Soul Medicine Yoga | June Online Class Descriptions

Sat-Sat, Jun 5-26, 2021 , Kealakekua HI


June, 2021, Module Class Descriptions

Throughout the month of June, just as Shamans, Yogis, and Mystics have done for thousands of years, we will relax into the effortlessness of our natural body wisdom, clear our energy fields, and call on the spirits of the soul realms and the Dreamtime for healing, clarity, and wisdom.

You already have all the resources you need to empower your unique embodiment and live the life your were meant to live, fulfilling your true Souls’ purpose.

All online classes meet on Saturdays at 10:00 am Hawaii (1 pm PST, 3 pm CST, 5 pm EST)


June 5 – Finding our True Nature As Nature:

Earth Altar Practice: Radiant Flows, Elementals, Ley Lines, and the Light Body

When we interact and communicate with the fullness of Nature via internal energy pathways, we connect with Ley Lines – the Earth’s meridians – through our Luminous Energy Fields. Centering Yoga, Meditation, and Chakra cleansing bring us into oneness with the vast River of Life, where healing, knowledge, and creativity flow.

This class will give you three substantial tools to deepen your contact with your innate joy. You’ll learn how to move as a Spiritual Warrior in the three indigenous levels of reality, and awaken hidden resources that restore your full health, alignment, authentic power, and radiance.

Sign up for the FREE June 5th class here: FREE Soul Medicine Yoga: Finding Our True Nature As Nature

June 12 – Divine Sensations, Feelings, & the Inner Garden

Your Luminous Electrical Health, the Sacred Continuum, Chakra 7 & Dream Recall

How do the emotions of fear, worry, anxiety, & uncertainty affect your body and mind?

Chronic neck pain and tension patterns often form in response to these feelings. Like a dark lens that obstructs how we view inner or outer worlds, they color how we move, sense, and see the world, and they can become unconscious body patterns that are themselves new sources for fear, anxiety, and projections.

In this class, we’ll explore how conscious awareness of the continuum of Nature works to release those patterns. The most transformative action anyone can take is to reconnect with the simplicity of Nature and our true Nature, which interpenetrate through the electromagnetic fields we live within, what we call the River of Life.

Opening to actual feelings, emotions, thoughts, and energy-motions – e-motions – with support from the seventh Chakra, clears the field and restores our mobility, freedom, and natural joy.

June 19 – Before Summer Solstice: Greeting the Sun/Son

Chakra 6 – Waking up to the Web of Light in a Fertile Darkness

The Solstice is a good time to honor the Sun that reflects our Light radiating from within. Our Sunrise Salutes and ceremony to honor the Sun and Spirit of Fire will help you to let go of what no longer serves you and welcome anew fertility, rich with possibilities.

Awakening and clearing the 6th Chakra – the Intuition and Command center at the Third Eye — opens new pathways for guidance, protection, and support in your daily loving and working, decision-making, and movement toward the destiny most desirable to your Soul.

We will enjoy this Solstice time by celebrating something in your life that you have accomplished, so think of a completion, a project, a commitment, or a new beginning in your life. What you put your energy and focus on will grow in this bountiful time. And allowing yourself to be supported in our Soul Medicine community and by friends makes more positive energy available to you for the entire year!

June 26 – Hawaiian Voices of Wisdom

Po, Pohaku, and the Rock People

By basking in the natural intelligence of your body, attuning to the natural systems and cycles around you, and through authentic Yoga empowerments and Sacred Garden ceremonies, you are expanding your spiritual wisdom and ability to offer healing in the world.

In this class, with permission and commitment from the spirits of Nature, who love it when we create sacred space, we will engage Hawaiian and Indigenous traditions which haven’t forgotten what modern industrial society has pushed aside: that the Universe is a sentient, loving intelligence who teaches us how to live in harmony with Nature.

Elders and sages explain that Po, the mystical realms in the third level of reality, enter into the physical level of reality through Pohaku, or rock altars. Finding special stones in Nature to place on our indoor or outdoor shrines will assist us in bridging positive energies into our lives and our planet.


Event Location

Kona Coast Yoga & Wellness
83-5630 Middle Ke'ei Road
Kealakekua, HI 96750

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