
The Sacred Life Wave - A Love Continuum 4-Part Series

Sat-Sat, Feb 15-May 17, 2025 , Kealakekua HI

Hand holding tree

Healing Movement for Regeneration
Bio-Shamanic Journeys for Mapmakers, Evolutionaries, and Exalted Souls

4 Saturdays: February 15, March 15, April 19, May 17
1:00—5:00 pm at the New Thought Center

Calling all change agents for the Great Renewal!

Honoring the stages, layers, and subtle beings in Nature, curing with wise and wounded ancestors in the Spirit Worlds, communing with friends, allies, & transpersonal guardians, we will weave sacred space for personal, collective, & global regeneration.

Nurturing ourselves and others is essential to living well in the coming years. As modern civilization becomes more complex, the crises we face grow more daunting, but humans have survived and thrived through eras of radical change. In the Love Continuum, we enter a state of no-conflict where deep healing and creative empowerment emerge.

In this 4-part series of Sacred Movement in the Love Continuum, we will harmonize with Nature’s intelligence Through dynamic and restorative movement, breath attunements, primordial sounds, and evocative music, we embody our true selves and open subtle doorways in the Spirit Worlds.

Grounded by the spirits of this beautiful island of Hawaii, giving gratitude to the caretakers of this island, the Kanaka Maoli and the Ancient Ones of Lemuria, our collective effort to restore and re-story harmony cultivates a net, a wholesome field.

Connected to our Oversouls’ insights, revelations percolate through this field, bringing elevated frequencies of Love to Earth through our embodied presence.

As relatives who have evolved to be in this world at this moment, you and I are the cresting wave of the one life force, the Life Wave, re-creating again and again at higher levels of feeling and infinite possibilities.

As we breathe into, feel, share, and recall the song of our senses — the primary order of experience — the body remembers how it feels to be in harmony with Nature, to be Nature.

Being, becoming, and belonging to the Life Wave changes everything.


Stories, delighted voices, and intimate sharing around the flickering firelight fostered altered states of consciousness in the earliest humans. These trance states activated by meditation, music, or during spiritual practices were the keys to deep healing and the innate knowledge that comes from the “kingdom within,” the Sacred Garden.

Spending time in this timeless state of awareness and learning from transpersonal spirits who dwell in the Spirit Worlds, has been a regular part of human culture for millennia. Community drumming, song, dancing, and storytelling fostered these “non-ordinary states of consciousness” and were a regular part of life, nourishing indigenous societies in ways that made their lives and relationships more sustainable and peaceful.

Gaining insights, healing, and dreaming in the mythic realms were so common, in fact, they were “ordinary.” Pure magic, miracles, medicine-making, and multi-dimensional wisdom alighting through the shamanic states and practices were a natural part of human existence.

Modern society, with its focus on materialism and rationalism, overlooked these experiences or labeled them as “non-ordinary” because they didn’t fit neatly into a scientific, capitalistic, or colonial framework.

As shamans, yogis, dreamweavers, mystics, and medicine people have told us, these states are deeply ingrained in human history and offer amazing support, empowerment, and innovation during perilous times when we are ready for radical transformations.

In today’s world, there’s a renewed devotion to exploring these states, be it through mindfulness, psychedelics, shamanism, or other means. People exploring the Love Continuum are realizing the extraordinary benefits of these states and seeking to integrate these experiences into our post-modern lives.

Altered states of consciousness give us timelessness and space for emotional release from ancient holding patterns. Ancestral healing. Spiritual integration. The bliss of freedom. Samadhi. Energy. The wisdom to take action to support the Great Renewal.


Coming to know our ancestry is the most important step we can take on the path of the psychonaut, activist and spiritual warrior, said the Kahuna Nui, Hale Kealohalani Makua, a revered Hawaiian chief who emphasized the interconnectedness of all life. He believed that sovereignty lies within, and by loving ourselves, we embrace the divine. When we know we are divine, we are liberated from the false notions of the old colonial thinking that has brought our planet to the brink of a Hollywood disaster movie “all is lost” moment.

But we are free to write the next scene in a more integrated and coherent way. To rebalance and restore ourselves and our relationship with Nature, Hale Makua invites us to recover our Aumakua (ancestral spirits). That includes our past lives because, “There’s no separation between lifetimes. It’s time for everybody to wake up!”

When we come to realize what we have been doing, he says, “We begin to live our lives differently. And it is then, precisely then, that we start to walk our path as spiritual warriors.” To awaken to the full spectrum of our spiritual capacities and creative potential, he asks us to walk the “narrow path” constrained by three kapus, sacred directives or vows of Aloha and living in the Life Wave, the abundant flow of life.

1) Love All that You See with Humility.
2) Live All that You Feel with Reverence.
3) Know All that You Possess with Discipline.

We are spiritual warriors walking the Rainbow path. The Ancient Ones say it may not be easy, and it may take seven years to master each one of the sacred laws. For some, it can take many lifetimes. Reincarnation is Nature’s way of being charitable, giving us all the time we need to learn and align with the Great Spirit.


Rooted in the Polynesian mystical tradition of Hale Makua as taught by Shamanists Hank Wesselman and his wife Jill Kuykendall, together with the “fluid resonance” teachings of dance pioneer Emilie Conrad, these monthly ceremonies bond us to the Elements, the Spirits, and our Embodied Presence.

When fear arises, some may turn away, but wise shamans, healers, artists, and cultural creatives turn to curiosity, and the Ancestors.

Our Ancestors left us maps, wheels of awareness, maps of how they surmounted great challenges, endured, and healed from great losses. Our Descendants are also sending us maps of what they need us to do now so they will know 30 years from now what is essential. How do we use our dreaming powers to help them live well in the future? What will they need 30 years from now? Holding space for the present, our past selves, and coming generations allows deep connection to a higher wisdom, a mentor field, our Aumakua.

To reach that state of bliss and wisdom, we slow down enough to feel the timelessness, to drop in, to let our real felt experience integrate naturally in the body, heart, mind, and spirit.

We don’t have to DO anything in the Love Continuum. It is more about UNDOING the tensions, false beliefs and limits held in the body that separate us from the ecstasy naturally flowing in the Life Wave. We can feel it as Light, as warmth, as color, or hear it as an archetype speaking in the tongues of Abraham or Shakti, or see it in the loving hands of Laka, the hula master.

Looking and Allowing, not forcing anything, medicine teachings and tales from the many worlds will arise. And then there is silence, the anchoring of something older than time and more expansive than our current issues, lenses, or political concerns. All those issues and how we deal with them will benefit from you grounding and holding of the loving field of the Life Wave, no matter what the context.

We are each others’ medicine, holding space for the Life Wave to work its magic.

Ancestors, plantcestors, rockcestors, and finned and furry and winged ones — they sing in our bodies as rivers of support, medicine rhythms, and intuitive hunches. Through our DNA, the epigenetic fields, and in inherited movement patterns, emotions, and creative urges, they enrich us by connecting our lives to the vast intelligence we share with the All-That-Is.


Connect deeply with Nature’s spark, flowering & the breath, conduit of the Life Wave. See how the modern age shaped us & how it can change. Focusing on and integrating SENSATION and the direction of the SOUTH, our Guardians are, among others, the dolphin, octopus, and serpent.

2. March 15— ANCESTRAL SPIRITS & SOUL LANGUAGES Inspire greater health, joy, & emotional strength by transforming old wounds from our past – and our ancestors’ lives — into gold, which opens the channel for the wisdom of the ancients to flow in. Drawing on the Maps of the 3 Anatomies, the 3 Souls, and the Nature of the Higher Self, we will transform wasteful notions into new energy and light in a Transfiguration Ceremony. Engaging EMOTION in the direction of the WEST our Guardians are, among others, the jaguar, tiger, and whale.

3. April 19 — EMBRACING NEW MYTHS Deepening our self-inquiry and connections to our community and planet, we will perform the Earthkeepers’ Rite, setting intention and chanting the sacred sounds that interrupt conditioned patterns of behavior & desire held in the subconscious. With fewer obstacles to Nature’s pure flowing, our energy, mood, and potentials soar. Engaging the MIND in the direction of the NORTH, our Guardians are, among others, the hummingbird, ‘I’iwi, Pueo, landforms, and interstellar beings.

4. May 17 — ANCIENT & FUTURE MEDICINE MAKERS Explore how ancestors & descendants help us dream a good dream for ourselves & all of life. Release old scripts & shape more coherent & compassionate realities. Engaging SPIRIT in the direction of the EAST, our Guardians are, among others, the Eagle, Condor, Lemurian Elven, & Archangels


This course of four meetings includes…

- Opportunities for reflection, self-inquiry, integration, and creativity.
- Resource readings, meditations, and playlists of trance-inducing music.
- Surrender of unwanted habits & discovery of yourself as already whole & free.
- A new level of health, emotional strength, and integrity.
- Time & support for resting in your truest nature.
- Expanding the boundaries of your life by updating internal beliefs.
- Discovering hidden powers within that can make life more meaningful.

You will learn new ways to access wisdom from trusted advisors and spirit guides and feel how the brain produces bliss molecules—natural psychedelics—to create whole-hearted, psychosomatic health.

We will explore ways to find inner maps—the guiding principles that steer your life – and journey to the past to recover lost soul parts and to the future to retrieve your destiny.

You will return home knowing how to become a mapmaker, not a map follower.

I am thrilled to be in on this journey with you!

Gratefully, Marya

WHEN: 4 Saturdays, 1 – 5 pm, on February 15, March 15, April 19, May 17

WHAT: Bio-Shamanic Journeys for Ancestral & Future Lineage Transformations

WHERE: New Thought Center of Hawaii —


DETAILS: $250 for all four sessions. For more info, please call 808-345-0050. Ask about Kama’aina scholarships.

Your noble friend, guide, and teacher in the Love Continuum is Marya Mann…

Having spent years travelling the world sharing dance, art performances, poetry, and prayer rituals, Marya has dedicated much of her life to healing trauma through art, writing about intentional, holistic creativity, and building community through embodied shamanic journeys, healing ceremonies, togetherness, and celebration.

She leads from the heart and her intention is to explore the mystic nature of the human condition. Her doctorate in Creative Arts and the Anthropology of Movement reflects her journey from scholar and cerebral philosophic contemplative to the timeless wisdom of embodied prayer. Her songs, poetry, and joy-filled presentations are a call for gratitude and celebration for all we have.

Marys dumping out  Bowl of Light

Hawaiian Kupuna tell us we are all born with a Bowl of Light, and throughout life, that bowl can be filled with the stones of anger, pride, and greed, but we have the power to overturn the bowl, dump out the stones, dissolve them, and start fresh with new light pouring into our bowl and through us.

Make the choice for love.
Empty and replenish your Bowl of Light in this moment!
And join us for Love Continuum events to keep the flow alive in 2025!

Event Location

New Thought Center of Hawaii
81-6587 Mamalahoa Hwy,
Kealakekua, HI 96750

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