Yoga with Hawaiian Perspectives: The Magic & Mana'o of Transformation

A New Twist on an Ancient Art & Science University of Hawaii at Palamanui Community College
Have you wanted to discover the magic of Yoga and the mana’o of indigenous traditions? Is this the year for you to broaden your horizons and expand your aliveness by engaging the yogic arts and sciences, Hawaiian wisdom, and Polynesian and Asian practices for transformation? Every class in this evolutionary course features powerful principles, sacred tools, and ancestral teachings to inspire and empower you in ways that will serve you for the rest of your life.
By joining this class, you will receive:
- Daily practices blending Raja, Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Hatha, Kundalini, Restorative, Mantra, and Ashtanga Yoga
- Yoga and Meditation sequences from 5 to 75 minutes long to strengthen, align, and purify your body, spirit, and soul.
- Methods suitable for all levels – Beginners & Seasoned welcome
- Readings and discussion of world wisdom traditions to open your heart and uplift your mind
- Community support from other yogis and teachers
In each Tuesday and Thursday class, from 9:30 – 11:50 am, you’ll experience a full-body workout suitable for both beginner and seasoned yogis while exploring the six main Yoga paths, the sciences of Yoga (anatomy, neuroscience, and energy medicine), the arts of Chakra Healing, Yin and Restorative Yoga, as well as Mudras and Vinyasa sequences to soothe your Soul.
Yoga promotes the well-being of all creation, and like other indigenous lifestyle practices — T’ai Chi, Hula, and Sacred Dance — Yoga offers more than spiritual gymnastics. In this two-credit course, you’ll enhance awareness of your role in the unfolding universe, what the revered Kahuna Nui Hale Kealohalani Makua called the Ancestral Grand Plan, while learning to energize, enliven, and enlighten your whole being!
Yoga at Palamanui — for more information or questions, please e-mail Dr. Marya Mann at or call 808-345-0050. Please register by going to (Go to Class Availability/ Fall2018/ Health, PE, & Rec)
Or Call Student Services at #808-969-8816.
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