Yoga Dance for the Planet | June 29 | Yoga in Kailua
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Do you have grace, balance and total health? Tap into your treasure of wellness in this all-levels Yoga Dance workshop with Marya as she shares ways to empower yourself, your spine and your planet in this time of The Great Healing. Affirmative movement, meditation and multi-dimensional alignment help us awaken total health coordinates in ourselves and our planet, so we have our navigational directions set where we choose to go, in the flesh, in the mindful movement, and can make a thorough and ongoing contribution to a sustainable world.
Participants will learn methods to cleanse, articulate and celebrate the four foundations of Yoga Dance, feel their multi-dimensional bodies through alignment and therapeutic yoga postures and enjoy fun, easy “Dance for the Planet” choreography that invites us to partner with our sweet, kind, lovable one Earth.
There will be an emphasis on Inversions that stimulate and clarify the endocrine glands. (See the article below) The 3-hour workshop will be held at Banyan Tree Sanctuary from 10 am – 1 pm on Saturday, June 29.
For more information and to register, please call Kona Coast Wellness at 808-328-0171.
For directions to the studio, please go to
Kona Coast Wellness: 808-328-0171
Cell: 808-345-0050