Yoga, Da Kine Wine & How to Explain Terror to Children

1 – YOGA SOLUTIONS FOR MORE JOY AND LESS STRESS SEMINAR on Saturday, November 21st, 1 – 4 pm
You’ll learn to transform difficult experience into personal revelation, understand how to reframe your relationship to the sources of stress, pain and loss by actively cultivating more freedom in movement and more liberation in the mind.
To register and learn more, go here: Joy Yoga Solutions
“Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.” – Marianne Williamson
Join in the mellow beauty at the Society for Kona’s Education and the Arts annual FUNdraising event this Saturday at SKEA. John Keawe will appear once again with his heart-opening, joyful music.
He performed at SKEA soon after the release of his first CD several years ago and everyone fell in love with beautiful musical sojourns, clean and mellow at the same time. He offers lots of variety in pace, but is still relaxing and warm. It’s just the right music to accompany an exhibit by rozome and Sumi-e artist Ellen Crocker and watercolors, quilts and more by artists Barry Blackburn, Heide Cumes, Vicki Kalman, Roz Marshall, Alice Sherer, Kim Thompson and Catherine Wynne.
All items will be for sale for early holiday shopping, and it supports essential, vibrant SKEA programs. Fine wines, heavy pupus, coffee and desserts during the live and silent auctions will be served.
Tickets are $50 per person or $45 if purchased by Monday, November 16.
Tickets are available at Patel’s in Honaunau, Kona Stories in Keauhou Shopping Center, or by calling the SKEA office at 328-9392.
“Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future.” — ~Robert H. Schuller
French newspapers and TV shows have done stories and special issues on how to talk to kids about the attacks. I’ve been reading some of them avidly. Their advice springs straight from Françoise Dolto, the influential psychoanalyst who was the French equivalent of Dr. Spock: Be honest.
One of her recurring messages was that kids don’t need to be constantly happy; they need to understand what’s going on around them. Even in tough times, parents should tell them the truth — often in simple terms — and help them process it. It’s far worse if kids sense that something’s wrong, but no one talks to them about it. She advised bringing even a small child to a grandparent’s funeral, and gently explaining, “Voilà, it’s the burial of your grandfather, it’s something that happens.”
According to the New York Times, François Dufour, editor-in-chief of Le Petit Quotidien and two other daily French newspapers, for kids ages 6 to 17, says, “Children “don’t live on planet Mars. They live in the same world we do.” But there are limits; he and others agreed that parents shouldn’t show kids any photos or footage of the violence. ”My advice to parents is to start with the questions of the children,” he said.
On Sunday, Mr. Dufour assembled a group of children and solicited their questions on last Friday night’s attacks. A 10-year-old named Théodore asked how a sweet baby could grow up to be an evil terrorist. “They couldn’t have been terrorists with their parents, that’s for sure,” he said. “Maybe they were taken hostage by terrorists?”
Others wanted to know whether any children were killed; how the terrorists chose their targets; why they killed people who hadn’t done anything wrong; and why they didn’t like soccer or rock ‘n’ roll. (Mr. Dufour told them about the Islamic State statement calling the concert at Le Bataclan perverse.)
The kids also didn’t understand why someone would carry out an attack, if they were just going to kill themselves afterward. (Because some people are willing to die for an idea, Mr. Dufour said calmly.)
The question of the day was the one grown-ups were asking too: Will the terrorists come back? Nobody knows. Mr. Dufour said his newspapers would describe the increased police presence and other measures, but “it’s impossible for me to say there won’t be another attack.”
We can take steps to imagine the best, practice peace in our own hearts, give respect to others — no matter what their age, color or shape — and be a healing and compassionate presence in the world. Have fun, be careful and know you are not alone. There are more sane, loving people in the world intent on living from the soul than there are misguided terrorists who are caught in a hell of hungry ghosts.
We have the power to heal ourselves, help each other and create a healthy world.
Success is about getting to the point where everyone quits and taking one more step. -John Michael Morgan
QUANTUM CREATIVITY, PRANA BALANCE & SOUL CARE Sessions for Individuals: (In-Office or via Phone or Skype)
Nature offers us the power to direct energy toward what we choose every single moment. We can overcome stress, pain and disease by synchronizing our true nature with all of nature and enjoying the full potential we have right now.
Life is not always comfort and joy, songs and dances. Life is problems and we can be the best problem-solvers to make a better world. Quantum Healing techniques align every aspect of your being — body, heart, mind and spirit — to vitalize your connection to your soul and your true life path. Quantum Healing and Quantum Creativity give you navigational tools for the vast changes and challenges we face, so we can aid our world and move one step closer to the Joy and Peace we desire.
If you’ve got a pain, a passion, the seed of an idea, a plan, a self-doubt, or an endeavor, you’ll gain traction by aligning your beliefs and movement with the “holomovement” — the seamlessly unified motion of the cosmos, according to physicist David Bohm – and consciously manifest using the principles of creative intelligence.
Learn more and schedule here:
Or call Kona Coast Wellness 808-328-0171
“We need a systematic approach to foster humanistic values, of oneness and harmony,” he said. “If we start doing it now, there is hope that this century will be different from the previous one. It is in everybody’s interest. So let us work for peace within our families and society, and not expect help from God, Buddha or the governments.” –Dalai Lama
Click here to learn more: ArtWavEs
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Big Beautiful Blessings,
“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” — Lao Tzu