Uncle Sam on the Couch | Quantum Healing

Change is in the air. You sense it, don’t you? Things have come to such an impasse; we can’t pass up the opportunity to breathe in the fresh air of insight, maturity, caring for the planet as elders who give rather than as needy children and short-sighted politicians. Could humankind be going through this most recent identity crisis so that we make a real leap forward into enlightened living?
Ever since I moved to Hawai’i and set up my wellness consulting, quantum healing and yoga dance practice, clients have called me or visited from Australia, Europe and the Mainland — even from Washington, D. C. – to discover NOT what’s wrong with them, but what’s right with them.
With the recent shutdown of the U.S. government, I received an unusual request from a Florida client. He wrote to me and said, “What’s wrong with Congress? Don’t they know they were elected to lead, to compromise, to get things done, to govern?”
I had to agree it didn’t look like the U. S. government knew what its purpose was. And yet, as a caring health professional, rather than judge, I tried to help my client discern what’s really going on and what might be good about it. Maybe the Congressional shutdown isn’t, as David Gergen said, “shock therapy,” but a symptom that can help resolve the inner conflicts which are forestalling the happy, harmonious conduct of national affairs.
I wrote my friend/client back and said, point-blank, “Congress as a whole, and specifically members of the Republican Party, suffer from ambivalence conflicts. They are being held hostage by extremists in the Tea Party, which doesn’t mean they’ve don’t still have human ethics. The inner turmoil such a sell-out creates is being externalized in the conduct of national affairs.”
John Boehner says that the cost of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) will drive the U. S. toward default on its loans and has vowed not to raise the U.S. debt ceiling without renegotiating a law which has already been passed—- Obamacare.
Ambivalently, he’s saying he wants to forestall a default by engineering a default – something that could occur as early as October 17 if the impasse is not resolved. He says he wants to have a “serious conversation” about what is driving the debt, but refuses to acknowledge that he and his Tea Party supporters are pushing us recklessly toward a U.S. default.
Talk about inconsistency! Here’s another inconsistency: we all think it’s appropriate to pay our fair share of taxes for things like roads, schools, defense and programs for the vulnerable among us. All of us, that is, except some of the corporations that enjoy tax loopholes promoted and paid for by corporate and Tea Party lobbyists.
For instance, one out of every three United States corporations paid NO federal income taxes from 1998 through 2005, according to a 2008 report released by the Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress. These large U.S.-controlled corporations, with at least $250 million in assets or $50 million in gross receipts, totaled revenues of about $1.08 trillion. The legitimate taxes on just these corporations would go a long way toward covering the costs not only of Obamacare, but a simplified and cost-effective national health care plan. So if the largest businesses that benefit from government programs actually paid their taxes, the country might not be in so much debt. The country may be in debt because these companies aren’t paying their taxes!
If John Boehner and the Republican Tea-Party extremists really wanted to reduce debt, they would close loopholes that allow the largest corporations to pay no taxes.
Underneath the rhetoric, though, the current imbroglio is part of a larger inner conflict. The real belief, hidden from public view, inside some members of Congress, is that they need to cater to the Tea Party so they can keep their jobs, even as thousands of other workers are thrown out of theirs! Clearly, the intention of the Republicans and Tea Party enthusiasts is to break the government, in other words, obliterate their employers – us!
This may be leading us to what’s good about the shutdown: it’s showing us the power of ambivalence conflicts! Many of those responsible for the government shutdown must secretly know they are yielding to the selfish politics of Tea Partiers who want to reduce the size of government by alienating millions of working-class, tax-paying Americans. Good-hearted, high-minded citizens are being devastated by hard-hearted, short-sighted policies favoring the rich at the expense of the many.
The U. S. Government is supposed to be “of the people, by the people and for the people,” but it’s become a government of the rich, bought by the super-rich and for the corporations.
Politicians who run for government and then attempt to hobble the government really need to examine their ambivalence conflicts. Layers of deep-seated, conflicting beliefs and fears will have to be patiently teased out if we are really to harvest what’s good in the present turmoil.
If we were to put Uncle Sam on the psychiatrist’s couch, we would no doubt find that Tea-Partiers, corporations and the politicians are suppressing their natural good-will toward all whenever they favor unfair policies. Such suppression brings about ambivalence because somewhere in their hearts, they must realize that the excessive but powerful greed of a few is foreign to the humane purposes of our democracy. They could be real leaders, like Gandhi or Martin Luther King, and yet their actions belie deep inner conflict that confuses them, causes anger in the majority of Americans, vexes our national aims toward a real world peace, and produces a paralyzing self-doubt that we see played out in a Congress which has become so ambivalent, it has finally “shut down.”
I wrote to my friend, “Maybe this scenario in the halls of Congress is a reflection of our own ambivalence toward fair play and helping others, as well as a guide to the process of transformation that will heal it. I’m not saying we need to look to Congress for our pathway to holistic health. (That WOULD be a joke!) But we can learn about the power of ambivalence conflicts and how they play out in life, damaging our ability to succeed. By looking at the ways we too have suppressed ambivalence conflicts, we can resolve them by deciding differently, choosing to act from the clear vision and good will we intend. Then, perhaps, we can experience a new outpouring of love.”
In our neighborhoods there are mutual support efforts and in schools there are community gardens. The human race may have created many wars – the result of ambivalence conflicts — but we’re also feeding more people and housing, clothing and educating more children than ever. We are creating a culture of good purpose and common decency. “We are the heroes,” I wrote. “We’re the pilgrims in this mystical land who know that kindness is underrated and that as individuals we can remove stress and great difficulty from the grid, one kindness and one conversation at a time.” By looking at our own ambivalences and replacing them with coherence, we can do our part. We can encourage members of Congress to stop ignoring the real roots of our national problems. They may not want to look at how hidden ambivalence is playing a part in Congressional paralysis. Blamers in society will say, “Obamacare is the problem” and “Spendthrift Democrats are the problem.” Others may say, “John Boehner and Tea Party Republicans are the problem.” Any time we blame others for the problems caused by greed, poverty and hunger, we can fairly assess that the blaming itself is part of the problem. Blaming, rather than heartfelt examination, perpetuates ambivalence conflicts and actually is part of the problem!To find solutions, Uncle Sam, like each of us, has a choice. We can go through life blaming, shutting down and stalemating, or we can accept problems as opportunities to make things right, one conversation at a time, and transform into the good people we were meant to be.
There IS life after Congress, and more importantly, there is LAUGH after Congress! Late-night hosts weighed in on the shutdown. Here are some of their best jokes:
Jimmy Kimmel:
— “Midnight tonight is the deadline for Congress to pass their budget for the year. And if they don’t, things shut down — which is bad because we need to keep the government working so they can continue to not do things on our behalf.”
— “Interestingly, polls show that most Americans say they don’t like Obamacare — but they love what’s in it. It’s like the opposite of a McNugget.”
Jimmy Fallon:
— “Yeah, money is tight right now in Washington. In fact after 128 years, the National Aquarium in D.C. may have to close because it’s running out of money. Officials say they plan on relocating all the fish to another aquarium nearby — then the fish were like, ‘Hey, isn’t that a Red Lobster?’”
Conan O’Brien:
— “Our government may be shutting down in a few hours. So folks, get ready for absolutely no noticeable difference.”
“Come as you are. Leave as you want to be. Enjoy everything in between.”
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Or call Kona Coast Wellness at 808.328.0171.
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QUANTUM HEALING is a compassionate, direct approach to access your Higher Self. Drawing from ancient wisdom and leading-edge methods of Yoga, NLP, PSYCH-K® and Total Energy Balance, we tap into and integrate your deepest wisdom and establish your highest truth as the path of least resistance, an integrated awareness that sustains us in every facet of life.
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Visit www.maryamann.com for Quantum Healing!
“Marya made me feel safe, and conveyed so much passion. I love her! She has been pivotal to changes in my life. Excellent! — LeRoy Peterson, Corporate Executive, Fort Lauderdale, FL
“I’ve been receiving Marya Mann’s counsel since 2009, when she assisted me through the transition of my mother’s death using PSYCH-K techniques and other therapeutic tools. I benefited greatly from her help at that time. Marya has been very helpful during business negotiations, acting as liaison and trusted adviser. She has lent her expertise to help us develop systems to grow our business. I continue to be grateful for Marya’s insights and wisdom and for her generous willingness to share them.”
— Barbara Garcia, Ke Ola Publisher
“I thought everything happening here could be found duplicated in Los Angeles but I cannot find anything like this.” — Stefan Ramon Bajon, Pharm.D.,N.D.
“You have very upbeat playful energy that inspires so many. You have walked your talk so your authenticity is very helpful to others. Thank you!” – Sharon Maser, Director of the Women’s School of Healing Arts & Sciences, Santa Rosa, CA
Balanced Life Consulting and Quantum Healing with Marya Mann, Ph.D.
Wellness and Creativity Specialist
www.maryamann.com – #808-345-0050
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