The Voyage that Matters | Yoga May 14 | Steering the Craft



We need both: adventure and safe harbor!

In the waters of life, imagine the body as our vehicle, the heart as our compass, the mind as our sail and the spirit as the wind. When moving in harmony, the soul steers the craft easily, we flow prana, purpose, poise, direction and delight. We reach the far shore with fair winds, love and laughter.

But in our busy lives, things may not always seem so ideal. Stresses from work, stagnant relationships, unhealthy thoughts and distorted emotions can accumulate in the bodymind, impeding the free flow of prana. Yoga frees up the blocked prana to open the heart, nourish the tissues and restore good communication among body, feelings, spirit and soul so our natural light, creativity and direction can flow through.

In this three-hour yoga journey, Marya will help you to connect with the life force energy prana – and the larger field of Prana — bathe in it, move it and anchor it where it matters most, in the fascia – the fluid field of communication interweaving the inner body. Connected with the fields of energy around the body, known as the koshas, the fascia can hold chronic tension patterns from stress, but when we shed the stress, our natural alignment recovers. Radiance and clarity shine through. We naturally live at our full potential.

Changing your movement changes your mind. Like an internal massage, the sustained stretches in yoga — together with the kinetic chains of movement in flowing scores — erase debris and doubt deep in the body and awaken the true self, the Higher Self.

The deep-sea change that occurs when the pattern of your body reflects the true reading of the heart’s compass is radical, evolutionary and necessary. We find the taller sails we need for the long adventurous stretch of life and discover from yoga’s wisdom tradition how to anchor, rest and renew in safe harbors.

Don’t tell your problems to your Soul. Tell your problems how big your Soul is!

WHEN: Saturday, May 14, 1 – 4 pm
WHERE: Yoganics, 79-7401 Mamalahoa Hwy, Kealakekua
HOW: $30

——————SUNDAY SEASIDE YOGA FLOW, MAY 15, 9 – 10:30 AM:

Where: ANAEHOOMALU BAY, also known as A-Bay, the pristine beach near Waikoloa Village, with turquoise waters and salt & pepper sand. Off Waikoloa Beach Drive. We’ll meet on the ocean side of the guest facilities and a little south.

Contact Dr. Mann for more details at for sessions, classes and upcoming seminars or visit the Calendar.

Marya Mann : Kona Coast Wellness and Creative Arts Center
Yoga In Hawaii | Home of Quantum Healing

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