The Symphony Wins | Easing Electoral Tension

If we could model ourselves on the Earth, we would find ourselves as symphonies of birdsong, flowing water, wind in the trees, falling branches and floating leaves. The teeming polyrhythms of life are all around and inside us. Our world is spread through with sweet sounds, from a baby’s cry to a mother’s joyful cooing to a laughing teen.
Natural sounds of natural living nourish us.
But when there are false notes flying from the dark egos of so many, it’s hard to listen: we can feel invaded by false, angry voices, the screech of fast cars and jarring cell phone rings. YouTube videos bearing false claims and news that isn’t new or even true. It’s easy to lose our cool and forget the inner enchantment that gives presence, humility and meaning to our lives.
It’s become a cliché to say “Happiness is an inside job,” but that hasn’t made it any less accurate.
A deeper truth is that overdevelopment of our inner resources has mirrored the overdevelopment of our outer resources. Someone who is internally overdeveloped can’t find their own spiritual center because anxiety and insecurity have led them to misconstrue what a successful, “sound” life looks like. That insecurity leads to racism, sexism and other isms that can deflect us from our natural souls.
An overdeveloped inner world might cause someone to view success as what’s accepted by most people rather than having faith in one’s own spirit. They can’t be happy with what they have; they are always looking ahead, never quite rooting into the Earth now, where they stand. They fill up the mystical vastness with every new personal development tool or scheme on the market, and they care more about posting it on social media than evolving to become a more “sound” vehicle for the movement of love and creative connection.
They might look at friendships as a social arrangement rather than the soulful connection of sharing passionate interests and unique conversations with someone they care about.
Like overdevelopment in the outer world, overdevelopment of the inner world uses vital resources in a self-sabotaging way.
Balanced development and ongoing enchantment of the inner and outer worlds flow out of our unique presence, the warm and giddy hum of the soul on fire with aliveness. It’s listening to the heart and trusting what arises more than what you read in a news feed or hear on the radio.
The anxiety permeating so much of our society at this pre-election moment is a call to come back into balance. We simply can’t let ourselves get carried away by the cacophony — with an emphasis on the “phony.” (!)
The truer sounds, like the sounds of yoga I like best – the “ahhhhs” and “oms” are nothing fancy. Use whatever it takes to get to the silence of the soul at peace with the world – “Om mane padme hum,” “Om shanti om” — where the symphony reasserts itself; we’re vibrating peace, radiating light, and igniting positive intentions.
Secure in ourselves, we can hear the songs of nature, sing the true songs of the soul, and place virtue, intimacy, and creativity back on their seats again. The electoral season will soon be over, but the symphony lasts forever. It’s always there, tuning up, tuning in, and making music to soothe your soul.
May we all listen up!
Namaste and Blessings,
“Big Mind is something to express, not something to figure out.” – Shunryu Suzuki
PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS for these Inspiring Events!
Where: New Thought Center – 81-6587 Mamalahoa Hwy, C302, Pualani Terrace
Drop-in: $15 – Multi-class memberships: 3 class/$40
Beautiful Light-Filled Space overlooking Kealakekua Bay
Where: At Yano Hall – 82-6156 Mamalahoa Hwy, Captain Cook, (Next to Amy Greenwell Garden, across from Manago Hotel), By Donation. CHAIRS AVAILABLE! please visit:
SPECIAL CLASS Wednesday, November 16th, 5:00 pm
Yoga is good medicine to soothe your physiology, empower your core, and restore your serenity. Gentle movements harness the flow of life-giving energies and nourish “neurochemical synchrony” to create more happiness.
Cultivate more resilience, restore flexibility, and enjoy the holidays more with yoga that helps maintain a balanced body, mind, and world. Give thanks to your body in this class at the Hawaii Parks and Recreation Center’s Yano Hall. Chairs are available. Beginners welcome. All levels class.
Know yoga, know joy, no stress. By donation.
WHEN: Wednesday, November 16, 2016, 5:00 – 6:30 pm
WHERE: Yano Hall in Kealakekua; 82-6156 Mamalahoa Hwy. (Next to Amy Greenwell Garden, across from Manago Hotel)
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