The Science of Humor & Swami Beyondananda

The funniest thing about comedian Swami Beyondananda is not that he’s a dead-ringer for Groucho Marx.

It’s not that he’s dead-serious about mind-bending our ideas on government, education, and partnership.

Nor is it that he’s dead-on one of the zaniest political comics on the planet today.

The funniest thing about the Swami is that he’s a genuine live-wire, and his electrical brand of satire is contagious. When we listen to his one-liners for only a few minutes, our brains start to function differently. One-liners, two-liners, airliners…they all seem to fly into our heads at once, enlightening bolts for our humor-deficit-disordered brains.

In fact, scientists have found that your brain on Ha-Ha actually functions differently, reorganizing itself to improve memory, recalibrate the intuition, and make better social decisions. Flexing your humor muscles oxygenates the brain and heart, and a good cackle burns calories, so you lose weight too!

Finding what’s funny reduces stress and anxiety and helps students learn better. It may even help us overcome economic and environmental worries.

“Have you been victimized by gold collar crime?” the Swami asks. “If so, your life savings may have turned into past-life savings.” So what’s the solution? “We need to be “opti-mystics,” says the Swami, “not “pessi-mystics.”

For several years, people from far-flung places kept recommending I see or read the Swami. He’s the author of three books, Driving Your Own Karma (1989), When You See a Sacred Cow, Milk It For All It’s Worth (1993), and Duck Soup for the Soul (1999), as well as CDs, DVDs, and live performances.

Everyone said to especially read, Swami for Precedent: A 7-Step Plan to Heal the Body Politic and Cure Electile Dysfunction (WakeUpLaughing Press), written in 2004. His mission? To revitalize the body politic by turning spiritual “devotees” into political “votees.” He has founded the Right to Laugh Party (“one big party, everyone is invited”) and launched the Citizens for Precedent Campaign (“let’s choose a new ‘precedent’ – government of the people, by the people and for the people where the government does our bidding, not the bidding of the highest bidder – and a new President will surely follow”).

In Precedent, Swami leaves no phoney unturned. He maps the way from “Scare-City to A-bun-dance” and says we should elect to tell the truth, elect to take responsibility, and elect to evolve if we are to make the commonwealth uncommonly wealthy, healthy, and wise.

You can find the Swami’s books, DVDs, and CDs, as well as his tour schedule, at

If you are interested in “Humor, Health, and Accelerated Change,” please contact Marya at 808-345-0050.

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