The Eye of the Soul on Yoga | Can you "use up" yoga?

Yogi in tree as tree


Can you use up yoga?

No, you can’t use up YOGA. The more you do yoga, the more you have. It’s like CREATIVITY. The more creativity you give to life, the more you receive. They both arise from the field of primordial aliveness and union of all that is and share the same source.

The art and science of yoga brings us to the central aim of a human life. The sciences of bio-mechanics, physiology and quantum physics describe some of the physical benefits of yoga but the art of yoga serves us in ways we can’t always foresee.

We may not even ever see these treasures with the two physical eyes. They are seen with the singular eye of the Soul, the Purusha, according to the sage Patanjali. When the Seer in us comes alive, we blossom with creative awareness.

Creativity and art play such a huge role in our world because an artist is compelled to bring the invisible symbols and archetypes of their spiritual world into the visible world. Art and artists help us reconnect with the Soul.

Anyone who is creative wants you to see what most people can’t – or won’t — see. They want to wake up your Seer!

Like yoga, art serves a higher purpose. Yoga cultivates art by encouraging our true seeing. We explore the body and mind as the Seer, not that which is Seen. We are the animating spirit, not the shapes. We make shapes. Through yoga we awaken as the creator, the change-maker; our creativity and movement arises from deeper sources. We are effortlessly motivated to change the world with truth, goodness, and beauty, the eternal verities for health, and creativity is the medium of exchange for this fundamental change.

It opens up a boundless world of imagination where we communicate the stories of our inner world, with and through the outer world, and with a real purpose: to relieve suffering in the world. Art in the form of dancing, painting, writing and music is a great gift to humankind. Art heals the emotions and inspires presence, challenges our understanding, and shifts paradigms.
Art moves us.

From the yogic perspective, art can help us unfold human evolution in a balanced, sane way, encouraging joy, love and laughter while displacing suffering, hate and disease. Yoga is an ongoing communication with the sacred, existing only now and yet lasting forever.

You can’t “use up” yoga, art or creativity. These are treasures that keep on giving. Join me to explore Patanjali’s aphorisms, creative yoga, mantra and breathwork at the Yoga for Creativity Seminar on Saturday, August 20, at Kona Dance and Performing Arts.

Register here now please: Yoga for Creativity
Many Big Blessings,
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” – Albert Einstein

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