Superfluidity & Sunshine

The Sky over Bali  - Plentiful colors wash across the evening sky, reflecting the abundance in nature that we can rely on to help create a world of balance and prosperity.

KONA, Hawaii ~ As nature opens our hearts with news from the roiling coast of Japan, the shaking, quaking and meltdowns can guide us to master the Superfluid state. The deep sorrow we feel is a turning point, a global epiphany. Good will come of this.

Superfluidity is a phase of matter that occurs when all the constituent atoms of a body – your personal body, the family body, the social body, the planetary body, or the body of our universe — begin to occupy the same quantum state, a state of superconductivity, a state of massive compassion and creativity.

I’m a dancer, a yoga dancer. I see in the ghastly news mounting a chance to remember the excellence in everyday goodness too: every shattering experience challenges us to center in our hearts, align in the spine, go with the flow, reach out to help others, sharpen our wits, and learn from water’s movement how to swim with changing life. Soothe yourself first, breathe, stand tall, don’t go running door-to-door with your tears; gather yourself and when you can be part of the solution, move with all your mana, forward, advance.

Sending prayers to Japan still reeling from the massive 8.9 earthquake, and lofting more blessings to New Zealand and Haiti where friends are still frightened to go indoors for the aftershocks, we in Hawaii are grateful to have been spared loss of human life from the tsunami that hit our shores last week. Upheaval, damage to property, yes, but we are accustomed to nature’s tremendous power. The coral, fish and dolphin in Kealakekua Bay have drawn hundreds of volunteers to help pull debris from the water to protect marine animals.

Ongoing earthquakes swarm the Kalapana coast on the east side of Hawaii Island daily. Kilauea volcano continues to emit 10 – 100 small tremors per hour, according to the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory. On March 5, 2011, six days before Japan’s gigantic earthquake, the Pu`u `ÅŒ `ō crater floor at Kilauea collapsed, followed by a middle east rift zone fissure that spattered lava 80 ft. high. The world as we know it is most definitely on the move.

For weeks at a time we breathe heavy doses of vog and ash born from our island’s fiery Kilauea, 95 miles from the desk where I write this. Sitting here between the two quaking locations, I stay steady. Our planet’s motion teaches me how to unfurl my body which is earth too, but mostly water, 70% water, deeply involved in all this m’ocean, the lifewave motion.

Evolving nature is reaching into each of us to sense and feel the world as it is. With her enormous range of fluidity, nature asks us to love the world, worship the ground we walk on and the air we breathe, and align with the highest good for all. Be superfluid, like the churning black holes where stars emerge and universes come and go in an instant.

The earth is shaking with vibrant and vibrational intensity – even when we don’t feel it, like the stars during daytime, unseen, but everywhere around us, we are being rocked as babies in a cradle, awakened into our most noble and true nature. If we remain centered in our hearts, firm in our radical trust, and superfluid, we can see with the gentle eyes of compassion and work our sturdy, graceful hands for nursing, leading, helping and nourishing. There is a quality of motion that is you and not you, a quantum m’ocean, where we feel the patterns, rhythms and superfluid song – the uni-verse – that connects everything.

In the superfluid fields at the core of neutron stars, phase-changing matter becomes a superconductor, flowing freely without resistance, flowing endlessly without energy loss. In this state, nascent galaxies are born and the irresistible mystery of life continues. What is being born now in the Superfluid human heart, which now dances at a turning point?

Tremblers are easy to accept and surf when they are small, like the ones rhythmically sounding at Kilauea, but underneath, who doesn’t feel the earth stretching out to shake off old unsustainable patterns. Do we choose fear or do we choose to breathe deeply so the fear becomes excitement? Inside the awfulness, we can fine the awe, delight in earth giving birth to something new, daring in the middle of despair.

What kind of species are we transforming into? A more compassionate and careful species? Do we move like an infant adaptation at the outset of our Neo-Floral Age? An ocean of love and spiritual magnetism overflows the borders of our old egos and reaches out in waves of comfort, freed from the peculiar ideological tricks of the 20th century.

Superfluidity helps us breathe deeply and enjoy – yes, I said enjoy – the sweet relinquishment of old forms. This is the yin moment in humanity’s evolution when we let go of our previous yang ideas about what life was about and see the truth about ourselves. This is the turning point.

No matter where we work, play, love, raise children and live on this curvaceous spinning blue green globe, superhuman efforts are being made right now to feed the hungry, save lives, support freedom fighters and spread goodness, hope and generosity.

Everything solid, old ideas, beliefs which have cluttered our clear approach to being sane citizens of planet earth – all are dissolving. A superfluid can be a liquid or a gas, but not a solid. Time to start taking ourselves more lightly, so we can rise to meet the challenge!

Together with Japan, we feel the pain of death, loss, suffering, and we also share in the excitement of change, inviting the new form of our species to emerge within us and beside us. We can guide our human adaptations and respectfully witness the passing of old species while encouraging the rising of the new.

We need to be aware without being overwhelmed that a potentially more devastating event unfolds: Nuclear meltdown Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and two other nuclear power plants, which could send radioactive fallout to Hawaii, the west coast of North America, and up into the troposphere and throughout the globe.

Walking, talking, being, dancing motion, an infinite dance of life, we are aligning with the lifewave, becoming superconductive. Resistance is futile. Intentions and aspirations, accelerated prayers, chants, invocations, insightful work and intense but more conscious activity zoom into the atmosphere. The heat is rising and our very thoughts go out and touch others, return to us magnified, ripple through our one earth and spark more wisdom in the alchemy of the moment.

In the convergence of inner essence and outer world, we find who we really are. Alone and together, we are being welcomed into an Era of Alignment, where heaving contradiction, crisis and chaos are leading to unity, peace and transformation. We see it everywhere. What’s being born is bigger and better than what we are being asked to let go of.

Welcome to the superfluid state. Superfluidity places us in intimate alignment with waves of change. Breathe deeply, soften your outer form, the skin, and feel your spine, lengthening it with head rising to the sky and tail descending like a taproot into the earth. Sense the undulation naturally flowing and the soft spot in your heart. When you stretch and breathe into your core, you energize your inner sources, nourish the endocrine, organ, and nervous systems of the body.

Engage every cell in your body and let the edges of worry and concern relax. Feel the water which makes up 70% of our bodies. Being gentle and precise, we can surf the waves of the ocean of movement, feeling and thought, probing for finer alignment of ourselves with the all-that-is.

The central life wave that surrounds our planet repeats itself in arcs, spirals and circles that connect every fish, tree, river, galaxy and sea. Calming the waves inside brings us into alignment with the waves of life around us; focused, courageous and creative action unfurls from this real experience.

But there’s more good news too:

BRAVERY in the U.S. Navy Seahawk pilots aboard the USS Ronald Reagan who have kept their helicopters in the air above Japan, scouring the stricken areas for survivors and delivering “water, blankets and food” to save lives and help the wounded.

RESILIENCE in the form of rescue workers from around the world, unprecedented donations to merciful endeavors, and renewed commitment to a nuclear-free world.

PRAYER interweaving the troposphere and beyond, energy e-mail moving in the darkness, repairing love strands, weaving a latticework like Indra’s Net, a fabric of beauty that encircles the earth.

While the land beneath us quakes and inflames, there’s also a quickening of new and subtle elegance. We see it in the profound respect we give people of all culture and persuasions, animals of all stripes and colors, and every morsel of life under the generous sun.

Feel it? It’s coming toward us faster than the speed of light. It’s the light of our love, for those who share sunshine can’t keep it from themselves. Do you feel it?

Compassionate thoughts brim quickly when danger nears. We want to know our neighbors and family are well. Danger can reconnect us to each other, our larger family. I would love to hear from you.

Big Beautiful Blessings,
Dr. Marya


“If you can’t move a mountain, move a PEA.”

“Those who share sunshine can’t keep it from themselves.”

“Treat everything with the utmost love: whether it be a tsunami, a seed, a song, an e-mail, all near and dear to us, strangers, friends. Everyone is one family.”



When nature sends us signals like the ones we are experiencing, it’s a good time to envision all beings re-awakened, restored and refreshed by Peak Energy Alignment. It’s a good time for a tune-up. Please call if we can help.
Koakane Green, D. C. & Marya Mann, Ph. D., offer PEAK ENERGY ALIGNMENT, a way to experience a more healthy and satisfying relationship to your body, rediscover your original nature and align with your creative kinship.
All you have to lose in your suffering. All you have to gain is your soul

In this total wellness process, you receive personal attention from two gifted doctors – specialists in chiropractic and the psychology of creativity — who help you realign your energy body to facilitate new levels of joy, pleasure and transformation.

Who wants to live in pain? You don’t have to. You can liberate yourself through alignment, freeing your inner body so your spirit shines through to benefit the total ecology of our world. It’s not enough anymore to be successful, artistic or sincere. We’re creating a new world through energy alignment.

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Partner Yoga
Yoga Dance
Call Now 808-345-0050 ~ Some Services Available via Phone

Now is the Time to Align

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