Summer Solstice Peace & Prayer | Mauna Kea, Indigenous Wisdom, & Yoga

ho okupu on mauna kea


Following the birth of a White Buffalo Calf in 1994, the Keeper of the White Buffalo Calf Pipe for the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota Nations— Arvol Looking Horse, was directed to honor the Four Directions with ceremony on Summer Solstice/June 21st. According to Lakota Star Knowledge, the birth of “Miracle,” a female white buffalo, signaled a time of Earth changes and the coming of The Mending of the Hoop of all Nations.

The Summer Solstice is said to be a powerful time to pray for peace and harmony among all Living Beings. Grandmother Earth’s gifts of the air, water, plant, animal, and rock nations must be allowed to heal if we are to live in harmony with Her.

Ancient prophecies throughout the world have predicted this time…when population growth, over consumption, depletion of our natural resources and pollution would severely damage our Earth’s life-sustaining capabilities. It has become Chief Looking Horse’s personal commitment as the “Keeper of the Sacred Bundle” to assist in the fulfillment of the Mending of the Hoop of all Nations.

Besides his work with his own community, meeting with global and spiritual leaders around the world and speaking and offering prayers at Universities and environmental symposiums, (including the United Nations); Chief Looking Horse’s mission with World Peace and Prayer Day has already made tremendous contributions to the progress of Earth Awareness and World Peace.

Planet Earth is a Sacred site and within it are thousands of sites where people have gathered since the beginning of time. Now, we reclaim these sites with love, peace, and reverence to bring healing to all of our relations, to the ancestors and future generations.


There are specific reasons for choosing to host World Peace and Prayer Day 2017 on Hawaii Island with ceremonies on June 21st at Mauna Kea. In the words of Native Hawaiian Cultural Practitioner and Kumu Hula, Pua Case, who has accepted the role of organizing on behalf of the host culture for June 21, 2017:

“Mauna Kea, also known as Mauna a Wakea (Mountain of Sky Father), is a place where the heavens and earth converge. It’s regarded as a kupuna, a revered and respected elder, an ancestor. Mauna a Wakea is a sacred piko, the navel of Hawai’i situated in the middle of the Pacific as the tallest mountain in the world from the sea floor, its physical prominence stationed nearest to the heavens holds a spiritual significance for Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians), a significance that can be expressed in likening this mountain to a sacred altar.

“This sacred mountain holds mana (spiritual and divine powers) and is a focal point of spiritual and cultural significance to connect with the ancestors, energy, and life forces, as well as the ancestral realms. Mauna a Wakea is a place to connect in union with the divine Aloha of the Creator.”

You are invited to participate at locations all around the world. Find out where and FOR MORE DETAIL, PLEASE VISIT: World Peace and Prayer Day
Please click on the “2017 Event” tab at the top of the home page to find out about protocols and what to bring and wear.

Those who wish to attend ceremony on June 21, 2017on Hawaiʻi Island are asked to attend an orientation workshop prior to the event. Dates and places will be announced on this website.

“O Ke Aloha Ke Kuleana O Kahi Malihini” (Love is the Host in strange lands)



For Yogis, Meditators­, Peace Lovers
In NY and Where You Are! Free Online Global Summit June 21-22

You are invited to participat­e on the lawn of the United Nations Headquarte­rs in New York, at over 1000 local events around the world, or in your local community!­

Gather your friends, bring your teachers and students, join an event, host your own yoga or meditation­, or simply find a sacred spot in your local area to practice your practice. June 21 is also the Summer Solstice and World Peace and Prayer Day…so you don’t have to be a yogi to get involved!

Create your sacred practice and help unify our world in the name of peace and love, while celebratin­g the growing bridge between East and West.


Move beyond the poses and off the mat to experience¬ world-renowned yoga teachers sharing their wisdom directly from the foothills of the Himalayas on the banks of the Ganges River in celebration of the International Day of Yoga.

Immerse yourself in a one-of-a-kind experience with a global community of sages, musicians, scientists and beloved teachers from around the globe — to discover yoga practices, guided meditations, healing breathwork for restoring, balancing and nourishing your body, mind and soul.

This 2-day Yoga Day Summit is like no other online series — with yoga teachers gathering from diverse traditions, joining together for this one event to expand your knowledge of yoga, from its ancient roots in India to today’s global movement of transformation.

I am passionate about inviting you to join the Yoga Day Summit, an opportunity for a unique opportunity to experience and celebrate the beauty, power and depth of yoga as a vehicle for living a divine life and creating a world built on Oneness.

Please register for this free event here: Yoga Summit

The event includes kirtan, yoga demonstrat­ions, sacred chanting, Pranayama, universal meditation­, panel discussion­s and much more.

“A summer night is like a perfection of thought.” – Wallace Stevens

SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 8:00 – 9:30 am

The Refuge Temple — Pu’uhonua O Honaunau — is a perfect space for remembering three of yoga’s main blessings: forgiveness, creativity and insight. Practicing yoga at the beautiful seaside, in the prana-rich threshold between land and ocean, creates an inner alchemy that deepens our vitality in body, mind and spirit.

Please go here to learn more: Seaside Yoga for Solstice

Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park is located at 1871 Trail, Captain Cook. The gate to the south picnic area is just to the left of the park visitor center.

Go all the way south in the picnic area. We’ll start practice at 8:00 am. Gate opens at 7:30 am. Please bring a mat and a water bottle. Call 808-345-0050 for more details.

“In the depth of winter, I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer.”
– Albert Camus


Wherever you choose to celebrate World Peace and Prayer Day or International Yoga Day, 2017, you can connect to the ceremony on Hawaiʻi Island and support protection of Mauna Kea by purchasing and wearing Mauna Kea shawls.

Mauna Kea shawls are a cherished reminder of the love that we hold in our hearts for Mauna a Wākea and are named according to their color in order to perpetuate the sacredness of the story, areas on the mountain, and current issues being faced regarding these storied places or wahi pana.

To learn more about Mauna Kea Shawls, please click here: Mauna Kea Shawls
“Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.” — Khalil Gibran, Lebanese-American poet and artist

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