Discover practical wisdom for accessing more guidance, healing and power. Fully embrace a sacred way of living on this wondrous planet. Join in the sacred circle of respected shamans from around the world on August 4th and help evolve the world.
Sandra Ingerman, Oscar Miro-Quesada, Alberto Villoldo, John Perkins, Hank Wesselman, Jill Kuykendall, Jose and Lena Stevens, Christina Pratt and more than a dozen others will be sharing practices for activating shamanic principles in your daily life and helping you to live joyfully from your soul.
You will. . .
Receive practical tools for healing negative feelings and toxic thoughts.
Reclaim your role as a co-creator with Earth, the elements & the spirit world.
Access subtle realms of consciousness with guidance from allies.
Discover the basics of shamanic journeying and healing work.
Awaken a deeper sense of presence and reverence for the natural world.
August 4-6, 2015 — Register Now! Go here for practical wisdom and guidance to reclaim your inner spiritual authority AT NO CHARGE TO YOU. Sign up now at Shamanism Summit .
After centuries of misunderstanding, shamanism is taking its rightful place as one of the great spiritual systems for awakening, healing and transforming our lives. This reclamation is coming at a critical crossroads in time when so many are fearful for our future and daunted by environmental and economic crises.
Shamanism provides a pathway of hope and practical action, allowing you to build the inner resources and access sacred guidance that can support you in becoming a positive and effective agent of change. It can also help you cultivate more alignment, abundance and love in your life, as well as a natural sense of sacred connection to the world around you.
In short, shamanism can bring you home to your highest self — and assist humanity with transcending our self-defeating patterns and fostering a soul-powered way of living on Mother Earth that truly benefits all.
Shamanism is not only the most ancient spiritual practice we have — one that has served individuals and communities globally for tens of thousands of years — it is also one of the most diverse.
For example, the practices of a Siberian shaman and an Amazonian shaman can be radically different, although there are core principles and practices that are truly universal. This diversity is one of the most exciting and fascinating things about the field: There are so many gateways into different relationships with plants, animals, human beings and other levels of consciousness.
Some shamans work with guardian beings and subtle realms, others focus on sound technologies (like didgeridoos), while still others focus on the power of communal ritual. Some access visionary healing states through plant medicines while others have relationships with plants that focus more on offering herbal remedies for disease.
And the good news is that whatever your core passion and path, The Shamanism Global Summit will give you access to some of today’s most profound teachers who are sharing not only traditional indigenous practices but also a new wave of teachings that synthesize time-honored wisdom with more contemporary psychology and spiritual systems.
This summit is appropriate for people of any faith or spiritual path, as when understood fully, shamanism’s methodology of accessing spiritual dimensions for healing, illumination and service can be compatible with any belief system.
Join below to experience the many potent layers of this practical, ancient technology of the soul that can help anyone powerfully navigate the complexities and challenges of the modern world… including you.
Register for free to join these global visionaries and learn how to use and apply their technologies of the soul in a modern context to your daily life as well as for the healing of the human family’s relationship to the natural world.
The shamanic wisdom presented can support you in clarifying your vision, releasing your past traumas and creating sacred communities of trust. The sessions can help you dispel negativity, interpret dreams and even communicate with the deceased.
Join this life-changing event to experience a more multidimensional universe of possibilities — where your creativity and consciousness are free to explore deeper states of unity and sacred connection, and access the full potential that’s available to you.
ALSO RECEIVE THIS FREE GIFT when you register. . . {Living a Shamanic Way of Life: A Path of Direct Revelation} – a book including 12 practices for connecting to your deepest wisdom.
Whether you’re new to shamanism or are an experienced initiate who wants to expand your appreciation of the practical applications of shamanism, the esteemed presenters in this summit are sharing on subjects that can deeply transform your life and greatly shift your interplay with the universe.
Join below to experience the many potent layers of this practical, ancient technology of the soul that can help anyone powerfully navigate the complexities and challenges of the modern world… including you.
To register for free, go here: SHAMANISM SUMMIT
Big Blessings,