Quantum Jumps | New Science Supports Instant Transformation | Book by Cynthia Sue Larson

Quantum Jumps — >>> sub-atomic transitions or abrupt changes of an electron from one quantum state to another – are happening all the time.
Our awareness of these jumps AND our ability to connect coherently with their energy may be the next great leap of humankind.
The best current guidebook I’ve found for the quantum jumping journey is Cynthia Sue Larson’s, an e-book I was invited to read and review for Becca Chopra’s blog last month.
Reading Quantum Jumps: An Extraordinary Science of Happiness and Prosperity (published by RealityShifts.com) stirred some astonishing aha’s and revelations for me. I first began what I called Quantum Leaping back in the 1990s when we were experimenting with choreography that reflected light neutrinos emerging from strange quark matter.
Later, I learned the basics of Quantum Jumping from Joan Ocean in Kealakekua and added some of Burt Goldman’s visualization tools to my medicine bag for work with clients, but I didn’t realize how completely we are immersed in Quantum Jumps until reading Larson’s book. Instantaneous shifts at the quantum level affect our personal lives, religion, psychology, medicine, technology, government and business, and they may even explain how socks get “lost” in the washing machine. (No kidding! Read on.)
To learn more about the newest in parallel universes and transactional “handshakes” between timespace nodes in alternate universes, read this juicy quantum review. . .. and then buy Cynthia’s fascinating book. The new science is awesome, even heart-warming! And Cynthia makes it accessible to all!
The Great Work of Cynthia Sue Larson
Illustrating the human potential and benefits inherent in quantum mechanics, Cynthia Sue Larson elegantly jumps between the fields of transpersonal psychology, mind-body medicine, energy healing and comparative spirituality, Thoroughly grounded in extraordinary quantum skills, Larson also shows how individuals can harness the quanta to transform our world.
Passionately penned, clearly organized and intellectually sound, Larson’s book reflects her purpose: to prepare us for the reverberations of a world in quantum transition. She has written three other books on related subjects, including Reality Shifts: When Consciousness Changes the Physical World, but this book holds the doors of the new sciences, philosophy and self-realization wide open for all.
Now, at the dawning of the Quantum Age, Larson writes, “As in all previous transition points from Stone Age to Bronze Age, to Iron Age, to Agricultural Age, to Industrial Age to Information Age, the transition to Quantum Age will require us to adjust not only to using the newest tools of this new age, but also to incorporate the requisite thought patterns required to adapt to these new tools.”
Thought patterns are significant in Larson’s quantum world because what happens in the quantum realm does not stay in the quantum realm. Those of us who have experienced precognition, premonitions, intuitive hunches, synchronicity and déjà vu already know this. Few of us, however, have had a handbook like Quantum Jumps.
Larson offers here the foundations of more than 100 years of quantum research, clearly establishing the scientific underpinnings of what we used to think of as new age and woo-woo. Articulating the mysteries of the quantum world with a scientist’s irrefutable logic, she offers frameworks and data from prestigious universities and labs that explain how quanta behave.
Interspersed throughout are short, lively exercises for trying out your quantum wings, while an extensive Q-and-A section at the end of the book supports the reader in the effective use of Quantum Jumps right away.
The book’s main theme – that the way our universe really works is more fascinating, fertile and interconnected than humanity has believed –colors every one of its 289 pages. The microscopic building blocks of matter exhibit in the laboratory such dazzling quantum phenomena as superimposed states, multiple existences, and entangled, non-local states enjoying instantaneous communication with one another across vast distances. Spectacular new research shows that eople, animals and plants do too. Two-thirds of physicists surveyed now believe that everything in material form—including us—exists in a superimposed state of many possible realities.
“The mind-boggling implication of this simple statement is that there are many possible you’s… and many possible me’s,” Larson declares.
In her third chapter, “Why Do We Quantum Jump?” Larson presents a range of motivations for the typical person to actively make a Quantum Jump: to survive a crisis, to find their calling, lose weight or find a mate. While there is clear evidence that people do often feel better, find their vocation, trim down and find a partner in the process, the explanations for how Quantum Jumps work are less obvious.
Numerous physics theories that explain what’s going on are known as ‘interpretations’ and Larson does an impeccable job describing how they account for “quantum weirdness” and the many realities that make up what we call “consciousness.”
David Bohm’s Holographic Interpretation, Leonard Susskind and Raphael Bousso’s Holographic Multiverse Interpretation, and Niels Bohr’s Copenhagen Interpretation, among others, are explored; Larson then gives us meaningful real-world anecdotes to match their predictions.
Especially vivid is John Cramer’s Transactional Interpretation, which suggests “handshakes’ take place between quantum particles in different points of time and space. “In Cramer’s interpretation, a particle here and now on Earth instantaneously communicates with particles light-years away in time and space,” reports Larson, “as one particle sends an ‘offer’ wave and another responds with a ‘confirmation’ wave.”
Most intriguing is Hugh Everett III’s Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI) of quantum physics, which postulates a multiverse where a person may be living an actual other life that he only dreams about in this universe. He can travel to alternate realities and bring back experience and data across the multiverse into this timespace reality from his future or parallel self. Traits one has developed in a parallel universe can seed those same qualities and behaviors in this reality.
The holographic multiverse offers us mind-blowing freeways into the majesty of the heavens and is limited only by our imaginations. We can, not figuratively, but literally jump from one parallel universe to another.
The multiverse explanation for quantum mechanics got a big boost back in 1987 when Nobel Prize-winning physicist Steven Weinberg calculated that the cosmological constant of our universe—the energy density in otherwise empty space—is so statistically unlikely that it must be something of an aberration.
“The fact that we appear to live in such an improbable universe is leading ever-increasing numbers of physicists to embrace the multiverse.” Growing evidence, such as a dearth of other new particles found in addition to the newly found Higgs boson,” suggests that our universe is measured to be just as we would expect it according to the multiverse Many Worlds Interpretation,” confirms Larson.
Her enthusiasm and story-telling skill breathe life into sometimes dry history and theory, as when she wonders what happens to the missing socks from your washer? We may joke that the socks have entered a parallel universe, she says, but actually, your socks may really have disappeared into a parallel universe! For example, in 2012, theoretical physicists from the University of l’Aquila, Italy, found a mysterious anomaly; the loss rate of neutrons appeared to depend on the strength and direction of a magnetic field. Physicist Zurab Berezhiani proposed that perhaps the missing neutrons were visiting parallel universes!
Leading us through the new frontier filled with entangled diamonds, teleporting rubidium atoms and quantum biology, Larson points to ever-increasing evidence of quantum behavior on the macroscopic (larger-than-quantum-particle) scale.
We see plants with the ability to photosynthesize based on quantum superposition and birds that appear to navigate using quantum entanglement. Our very human sense of smell appears to depend on quantum tunneling, she says, “with electrons in the receptors of our noses disappearing on one side of an olfactory (smell) molecule, and reappearing on the other.”
In “Changing Past, Present & Future,” Larson reveals how vast the universe really is – and how expansive our concepts about it will have to be in order to keep up.
Her section titled “Seeking Evidence of Parallel Universes & Many Big Bangs,” includes the story of physicists Stephen Hawking and Thomas Hertog who called for “the search for signs of multiple multiverse cosmic background radiation ‘Big Bangs,’ utilizing the concept of ‘Top-Down Cosmology,’ and the notion that our universe had more than one beginning and history. Thomas Hertog succinctly summarizes this big idea as, ‘quantum physics forbids a single history’.”
In astonishing sections on the universe according to the Transactional Interpretation, Larson presents studies that have consistently shown a seeming reversal between cause and effect. Bicausality – more than one possible beginning of events – and retrocausality, in which the direction of cause is reversed from past-to-present to present-to-past, are some of the principles that explain such phenomena as alternate histories, alternate recollections or “false memories,” and parallel worlds.
In the Quantum Age, alternate histories are to be expected. “They provide evidence of the superposition of states that we and everything around us exists within, so we can expect to occasionally see documented records from the past that differ from what we recall.”
State-of-the-art laboratories now have computers that operate on qubits rather than bits and have millions of times the analytical power of conventional processors. Quantum Jumps affect our society at every level; it is happening very fast, in every field and having massive consequences.
Consider the human “superpotential,” self-improvement and energy healing movements. In “Get a Quantum Jump Start” and “Quantum Jumps in Daily Life,” thought-provoking anecdotes include reports of cancer remissions , events that have no apparent cause, and “reality shifts” that happen in an instant. “Their feelings changed their situations so much that would-be muggers and rapists walked away from potential victims, and a car plummeting off the side of the road landed safely in a lake… that had never been there before.” When people face dangerous or challenging situations, writes Larson, they can avoid harm and cultivate a positive state by “realizing in the midst of their ordeal that they can find and project a higher state of awareness on the situation.”
As you read Quantum Jumps, your mind will expand and your heart will be touched by the power of the quanta. You’ll probably agree with Larson that it’s important to plan how we will use its power and “what we are and aren’t willing to give of ourselves in order to reap its benefits.” She predicts we will, again, likely find ourselves immersed in the new quantum technology before we’ve properly considered how best to answer these questions, “let alone what implications there are to how we choose to respond.”
Woven with powerful personal stories and dozens of resonant laboratory and case studies, Quantum Jumps, Larson’s “great work,” serves us well as source material for answering those essential quantum questions.
by Marya Mann, Ph. D.
Contact Marya
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