Quantum Healing | Give Stress a Rest | The Sacred Path

In today’s world of materialistic pursuits, many of us may feel separate and long to reclaim a sense of the sacred. Quantum Healing is a way to connect, empower and delight in your Wholeness, bringing to full fruition your quest for bonding, love, meaningful work, health and ecological and economic balance.
Quantum Healing helps you bring it all together. In 1944, Max Planck, the man many consider the father of quantum theory, shocked the world by saying there was a “matrix” of energy that provides the blueprint for our physical world. Since then, this quantum field has been dubbed “nature’s mind,” “A quantum hologram,” “mind of God,” and Divine Matrix, the title of a book by Gregg Braden.
Entering into the pure energy of the field is a learned skill, and it changes you. It gives you innate powers to reclaim the Wholeness that is already inside you. We are not our problems, aches, defects, or even bad foods. We are complete and utter wholeness, and when the subconscious programming that obstructs this view with fear, pain and shame is reconfigured to reflect our Wholeness, a whole new world appears. Solutions emerge. Suffering dissipates. Serenity and joy become the path of least resistance.
What we have all too often lost, yet long for, is a profound sense of the sacred. It is present at the moment we are born, and though we can’t communicate it with language, babies radiate a profound light that most adults can recognize. With the passage of time, that inner light may dim and the sacredness may dissipate because of unkind judgments, false beliefs and experiences that pushed our inner wisdom into the background. Relentless, limiting conditioning from a culture that values materialism and relies on the rational to the exclusion of the all else creates tension in the field and cramps your potential.
Quantum Healing removes the limits and restores the deep knowing of sacredness. It helps you return to your true sacred path. Quantum Healing sessions activate sacred pathways to carry you forward to who you truly are. We recover our connection to authentic being so the mind and ego easily stay aligned with the subtle and causal levels of your Wholeness, your Highest Spirit.
The practices of Quantum Healing – the restorative practice – and Quantum Leap Creativity – the shamanic process – give you direct access to your Wholeness without an intermediary. You learn to communicate with your subconscious mind, nervous system and the quantum field in their unique languages. It is open to young and old, male and female and to people of all social, ethnic and economic backgrounds. It complements other personal growth, empowerment and health practices and gives you methods that will change your life for the better, forever.
Basic Quantum Healing Alignment. .. . 1 hour – Restore Integral Wholeness
PSYCH-K® Recommended by Bruce Lipton in his book, The Honeymoon Effect – Clear & Rejuvenate the Consciousness Field. . . . 1 hour
Core Belief & Life-Bonding Balances -Remove Trauma at All Levels. .. .1.25 hour
Quantum Leap Creativity Life Balance – Renewal in 8 Creative Domains. . 5 Sessions
Partners and Groups: Relationship Balances For Couples, Siblings, Workmates, Families: Renewal of Loving Communications. . . 1.25 hour
At Kona Coast Wellness — # 808.345.0050 or Contact Me Here!
“A smile is a curve that sets everything straight..” ― Phyllis Diller