Love Continuum: Earth Blessing on Sept. 7, 2024

Saturday, September 7, 2024, 1:00 – 5:00 pm
At the New Thought Center of Hawaii
Aloha Kakou! Love to us All!
In this amazing, challenging time of the Great Transition, we are called to prepare. We are called to renew ourselves and all our relations, both human and more-than-human. I’ve been reflecting deeply on how we do this: what can we do to serve our planet, our shared home and ancestor, Mother Earth?
Time after time, I see that we need to nurture open, awakened hearts and meet the real needs of our wounded and wise selves. We also need to tend to each other, heal old attachment wounds that separate us, and expand our awareness to trust the wisdom of the ancient and helping spirits.
We need to recognize that we are diverse individuals but also cells entwined lovingly in the shared embrace of Earth’s body. We ARE the Earth.
We need to tap into Nature’s wisdom and give Gratitude and Blessing to the forces of life that brought us here. We ARE the Blessings.
That’s why I’m thrilled to invite you to join me for a transformative new Love Continuum Earth Blessing ceremony next Saturday, September 7th, at the New Thought Center, from 1:00 – 5:00 pm.
This isn’t just another healing movement or shamanic workshop. We’ll be making a series of journeys into the body’s bones, connective tissue, and fluid resonance to connect to the essence of our embodiment on Earth.
The Earth is our planet, where we feel a sense of PLACE. Connecting to our place in Hawaii (or wherever we are) is essential to feeling at home in our bodies. As one of the Five Sacred Elements, the Earth is also an essential component of our bodies. We will be performing a Merging Journey to rekindle the Earth in both capacities and receive knowledge on how to restore our own health and planetary harmony.
In anticipation of the Saturday event, I invite you to practice the three pillars of preparation for the work: Gratitude, Seeing, and Blessing. We’ll be going into more detail on September 7th, but for now, you can also prepare yourself by noticing how you walk on the Earth, the quality of your foot-fall, appreciating Her colors, aromas, the particulars of a butterfly wing, and the undulating way an ocean breeze ripples through tree leaves.
Dreaming with our group begins now. Now, before we assemble at the NTC, we can start to form our circle and even create a virtual altar where we can round up and do ceremony, solo or with others in the group, whenever we want. Why wait?
The powers of the Dreaming and the Quantum Field are inviting us to co-create with them now, for the replenishment of our Earth and the upliftment of us all.
There are key concepts and practices we’ll be exploring, some of which overlap with the fields of Yoga, Continuum, Shamanism, and Meditation, and others that flow through bodies of knowledge which are mostly hidden, so far. Much will be unveiled as we journey together toward the alignments and attunements that reclaim our Souls’ presence and power. As we honor these incredible Elements for their life-giving energies, they renew us.
Some conceptions you may have heard of, and others may be unfamiliar. What matters is that we human beings become polished mirrors that reflect what the poet Rumi calls the “jeweled inner life” we are capable of.
What we love, what we honor, we become. As our hearts become more clear, we see the Earth as it is, and it is us. As we become more reflected light and unconditional love, our lives on Earth shift. As we polish the heart, we become the Love that will heal our ailing planet and all the beings who participate in this life.
Polishing the mirror of the heart through Love Continuum happens both slowly and quickly, and it amuses us while uplifting intelligence and throwing things into chaos, at least for a time – before our discipline returns and we recognize Love is an inside job. “The polishing is done by the intensity of our longings,” writes Rumi. It is also done through the daily and monthly ceremonies that stir rhythms of awakening to encourage us.
Then the creativity happens: the singing and moving stop. The seeing becomes more lucid dreaming, and we watch the play of Soul creatures who shine their light inside us, in-forming – creating forms inside us.
To do this, we need to take the time to not only hear but to deeply listen. In our four-hour movement intensive together, we’ll explore:
1. The 3 levels of the Spirit World, the 3 Souls, and the 3 Anatomies.
2. How the Seer’s Rite expands our ability to vision in the sacred realms.
3. How to live whole-heartedly through Gratitude, Seeing, and Blessing.
4. Skillful ways to enhance personal empowerment and serve the world with genuine joy,
even in difficult times.
Together, we will navigate the larger fields of our being and presence on Earth with heart, joy, discipline, and strength.
I would love for you to join us!
Cost: $50 — Ask about Kama’aina rates
To register for the ceremonial journey of Earth Blessing, please sign up here: Sept. 7 Earth Blessing
To learn more about the series of Love Continuum journeys occurring from now until Winter Solstice, please go here: Series of Love Continuum Journeys 2024
For more info, go to or Call 808-345-0050.
I look forward to seeing you there!
Blessings and Mahalo!
P.S. If you’ve ever wanted to help avoid climate catastrophe and wondered what you could do personally to foster a healthier Earth, this workshop will show you how to empower yourself and meet planetary challenges with more joy and conscious creativity!