Laughter is the Best Medicine - Self-Paced Home Study with the HIgh Priest of Puns

Imagine a class you look forward to because it’s so much fun — a tele-course that makes you laugh while you learn, and learn while you laugh. Plus, a course that gives you more of what you really desire in life:
Health and Well-being
Loving relationships
Financial security
Meaningful work
Enjoyment, leisure and play
A healthy sense of humor can help us achieve all of the above! Brain scientist Scott Weems, author of {HA: The Science of When We Laugh and Why}, says “Nearly every aspect of our lives is improved by focusing on humor. Studies show that humor improves our health, helps us get along better with others, and even makes us smarter.”
That’s sounds like a miracle cure, but because it’s free and nobody can patent it, the fun of engaging, non-TV humor has not been programmed into the human psyche like other psycho-active products sugar, tobacco and pharmaceutical. Yet humor not only feels good, it’s psycho-active as well as wellness-activating!
That’s why Swami Beyondananda has created a Course in Laughter. I took an earlier program of his two years ago and benefited tremendously. I still use the tools I learned with Steve. Rarely is canned humor as good as when it’s spontaneous, but Steve has mastered both. He is a wonderfully funny person, a great teacher and literally, the High Priest of Puns!
Learning to be funnier, to take things more lightly and to enjoy more real pleasure in your life is both possible and powerful. It’s easy and affordable and can genuinely change your life, balance your mood and improve your wellness.
HERE’S HOW YOU CAN LIVE WELL, BE WELL AND LAUGH OUT LOUD. . .from my friend and laughing mentor, Steve Bhaerman aka Swami Beyondananda:
A Self-Paced Immersion in the Art and Science of “Situational Comedy”
Most everyone can learn to find, cultivate and use humor more effectively. I’ve created a self-paced training that offers total immersion in the art and science of bringing more heart-opening laughter and mind-expanding comedy to your life and world.
A Course In Laughter is a 4-month, self-paced journey that teaches four funny yet profound practices AND explores how to apply humor to relationships, to business, and to your personal development, period. And … you will learn the finer points of how to “think like a comedian”. Best of all, you will enJOY the journey as you bring joy to your body, mind, spirit and world. This natural sense of well-being is the magnetic attractor that makes other people look at you and say, “I’ll have what THEY’RE having.”
The Course is designed for busy people who want to bring the magic of humor into their lives, at their own pace and in their own time. The downloadable materials in this course can be accessed and digested as wanted and needed.
Actually, the Course is two courses in one.
It includes all the material from a prior class, Wake Up Laughing and Leave Laughter in Your Wake:
• Six 75-minute class sessions, downloadable as MP3 files
• Six 45-minute recorded interviews with awakened people who are funny, and funny people who are awakened, also downloadable as MP3’s
• An 85-page Sillybus filled with enlightening information, playful practices, and links to helpful resources
And the new course material:
• Four 75-minute live sessions on the four principles of cosmic comic consciousness, held on four Tuesdays — July 21st, August 18th, September 25th and October 22nd from 5:00 to 6:15 pm PT
• Sixteen 75-minute interviews on Humor and Relationships, Humor and Business, Humor and Transformation, and How to Think Like a Comedian
• A brand new Sillybus with a treasure trove of online resources to help you go even deeper in your areas of interest
• Access to our private Facebook group that offers an opportunity to post, comment and share with other class members
The cost if you register before midnight, Wednesday, July 8th is just $99 … and if you’d like one-on-one coaching too, you can buy the premium package for $179, which includes all of the above and one hour of personal coaching, a $150 value all by itself.
Please click here to find out more and register for the Course in Laughter
And if you’d like the premium packet, please register here: Premium
If you’re ready to discover, enjoy and employ the “special sauce” of laughter, comedy and joy that will brighten and enlighten any endeavor, strike while the irony is hot and register now. The laugh you save may be your own.
May the FARCE be with you,
Steve Bhaerman