Inspired Living | Nikola Tesla | Yoga for Creativity

Aloha, Noble Friend!
Nikola Tesla wrote, “I don’t think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation unfolding to success.”
Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist best known for his designs of the modern alternating current electricity supply system.
By naturally connecting to inner creativity, like Tesla did, you engage in a positive feedback life that is rich in delight and inventiveness. Look at the sky and breath in the fresh air. Leave your electronic gear behind some days. Take an electronic fast. Imagine the world as you wish it to be.
Why? Happiness is the secret to creativity. Take time to relax. Resist the urge for instant gratification. Expecting brilliance to emerge from a purposeful activity is to miss some of the most important essentials for an inspired life. Creative insights arise when we have more periods of relaxation and integration. Make time for being the moving. Altering how you do things. Make time for stillness. Engage in activities that make you feel happy.
Yoga visualizations from the Vajrayana tradition, a chant to honor Lakshmi and the Energy of Prosperity, and gentle and dynamic movements will open up our well-being and bring more joy to life. Give your creative visions a present!
When: SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1:00 – 4:00 PM
81-973 Haleki’i St. in Kealakekua (across from the Corner Pocket).
In this seminar, yoga poses and practices will nourish the heart of your writing, art, music, and dance. We tap into the universal creative force available for higher inspiration. Refine your artistic skills with yogic tools and teachings that empower creative expression.
Read more and register here: Yoga for Creativity
The dance of life is a process of disciplined partnering with the energies of consciousness and creativity. Align yourself inside and out! Tap into the joy of your natural body and being with total energy balance.
Call 808-345-0050 for more details or visit
Namaste and Big Blessings, Marya
Marya Mann, Ph. D.
Author, Wellness Consultant, Yoga Teacher
Office: 808-328-0171 ~ Cell: 808-345-0050
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“Be your real self. Be free. Be light with Quantum Leap Creativity”
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