In the Long Run - Yoga Solutions for Runners

In ancient times, healing systems like Yoga Therapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) viewed body, mind and spirit as one indivisible whole. Movements and meditations to mobilize the core of the body evolved and somatic pioneers discovered that touch at specific points could help them harmonize with the life energy in all things.
Touch might come in many forms: touching finger to thumb, noticing the touch of air to skin, the touch of foot to the floor, the touch of control as you lift the kneecaps and lengthen toes, the touch of feeling as you sweep the arms through the air. Life energy moving through the body is incredibly touching, touching us from the inside out. The aliveness inside flows in distinct pathways, called Meridians, Nadis or Flows. Our skin, the largest sensory receptor in the body, when touched, invites the vital energy of the universe – Prana, Chi or Ki – to bathe the inner body with endorphins and oxytocin, pleasing hormones that balance and nourish the mind and soul.
Stimulating the skin at specific points may be the ultimate mind-body medicine. It sends calming, relaxing signals directly to the amygdala, the almond-shaped set of neurons in the brain that controls anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and the fear response.
From lowering blood pressure and heart rate to increasing immune function and relieving pain, mindful touch on the skin during yoga helps to relieve stress, remove obstructions, relax the body and relieve pain.
Dr. Michael Reed Gach wrote an excellent book called Acu-Yoga which covers how yoga and acu-pressure work together for optimal health.
A Japanese form of mindful touch is known as Jin Shin Jitsu, or “the Art of the Creator through the person of compassion,” was developed by Jiro Murai. He has written a beautiful self-help book about it called “The Touch of Healing.” I highly recommend it.
Change your movement. Change your perception. Change your life.
GENTLE YOGA for EveryBody – MONDAYS, 5 – 6:30 pm, By Donation
Total Body Stretch – Easy Pace – Yin Yoga – Cleansing – Meditative
Come alive in places you didn’t know you had! In Yoga Asana practice, soothing movements improve circulation, melt away stress and pain, and experience a renewed unity of body and soul.
Flows that Feed the Soul
Yoga is the only exercise that stimulates every single cell in the body from the top of the head to the tip of the toes. Yoga relieves stress, tones the body, and calms the mind, but it also stimulates health and regeneration at the cellular level.
When: Mondays and Thursdays, 5 – 6:30 pm
Where: Mauka Fitness: The A-Warehouse at Club Rehab
79-7422 Mamalahoa Hwy. in Kealakekua, Hawai’i Island
Classes close at 6:30 with heavenly sunset meditation.
For Details, please call 808-345-0050
Saturday, August 29, 1:00 – 4:00 pm
Club Rehab Kealakekua – The A-warehouse
Get more from your running workouts with yoga. Strengthen and lengthen your muscles, improve flexibility and prevent injury with yoga poses and sequences for runners.
Yoga improves focus, coordination and range of motion, important attributes to develop when running over rocks and roots, ascending and descending slopes in off-road terrain and jogging on roadways where hard surfaces can challenge the ankles, shins, knees and lower back.
Five key areas we’ll cover in the seminar are. .
Your Brain on Yoga – The sports psychology session in every practice.
Listening to Your Body – Working with the body and mind, rather than against it.
Alignment of Lower and Upper Body- Balance helps in running and in life.
Core Strength – Stabilizing the core gives you more power (in the long run!).
Yoga Breathing – Steady rhythmic breathing centers, relaxes and energizes the whole being.
Life’s a Stretch! Do Yoga. . .
Fee: $20. Register on-line at Loom Of Love Shop
Call 808-322-8400 or 345-0050 or for more detail and to sign up.