I Wish I Had Known Sooner - Ancestral Healing

cosmos in water drop

Aloha, Kakou!

You stumble across a roaring waterfall, resplendent with rainbows flashing in the sunlight. Your heart leaps. Your body pulsates with pleasure, and your mind becomes translucent, enchanted by the beauty. The stunning vision transports you. The vision gives you, and us, a glimmer of awe.

An enchanted life has many moments like this, which is what I wish I had known earlier in my spiritual search and trauma recovery. If I had known that the awe-moments and the suffering-moments would somehow transform into integration, I could have helped more people.

I could have healed faster with less pain if I had known how sound, movement, and visionary states could nourish my body and mind. I would have felt more joy, faster, and embraced more of my soul, sooner, and I could have awakened more gracefully.

As it was, for a long time I didn’t know that unmetabolized trauma in my ancestral lineage created a place of disconnection like a broken water pipe inside my soul. More light and wisdom would have flowed through that broken section of my family tree, and it could have prevented so much sorrow.

Instead, ancestral wounds caused all manner of chaos, drama, Unintended blockage, and dysfunctional relationships. As I struggled with despair and sought out meditations, medicines, and therapists, I was at first unaware that my grandparents seven generations back had also felt the despair. They were members of the Tsalagi Band of the Cherokee Tribe who walked the Trail of Tears.

They were abandoned, denigrated, and beaten down by the adversities of hunger, homelessness, and chaos. So too, there came a time in my life when I felt hunger, displacement, and confusion.


Life has been living and loving for a long time. Up and down, in waves of bliss and pain. Felt as a continuum of love, life offers pleasurable, spacious, and liberating movements, sounds and attunement, but we can forget to flow with the ongoing renewal of life after something painful happens. We forget to forgive and forget to remember who we really are.

Today’s problems stem in large part from that forgetting. Unassimilated traumas that began hundreds and even thousands of years ago in our ancestors can weigh heavily on us today as fragments pressing in on our natural well-being. Those fragments, given the right kind of attention, support, and time, can also uncurl from their fearful hiding and resurrect into the wholeness of our true nature.

Digested and re-assimilated, the fragments release powerful energies and can transform into exactly the medicine we need for whatever ails us.

After those years when my ancestors suffered, my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents carried that fragmentation in their nervous systems, healing whenever possible, but often adding to the wound, until it landed in me. The science of epi-genetics explains how these wounds showed up in our bodies, our behaviors, and our emotional structures as well as in every relationship we have.

That’s why the integrating ancestral wisdom and familial wounding is so urgent for our present time on Earth. What wasn’t digested and integrated by them is to passed to us, and with each generation, the repetition of the traumas worsen. Chaos worsens. Until we reach a time like now – with a climate crisis, escalating wars, violence in families, race and gender disparities, and guns on the street.

When I met the pioneering dancer Emilie Conrad and started to move more deeply, I also began to heal more deeply. I discovered the “Continuum” – an unending whole made up of many parts, changing slowly over time, like the continuum of the four seasons. Emilie showed me that we can enter into superconscious states of awareness in the continuum and awaken vast potentials that had previously been unavailable to us.

If that sounds like shamanic energy healing, that’s because it is. Emilie, however, being a dancer, found a gateway to transcendent wisdom by navigating the somatic manifestations of invisible energy in the tissues. To guide us toward more wholesome ways of being, she would say, “The body is a verb. We don’t DO movement. We ARE movement.”

I discovered that to accept and heal the past, we have to slow down enough to feel, feel, flow, and engage the parasympathetic rest-and-digest nervous system. By moving in unconventional ways, shamanic journeywork, energy clearing, chanting, and transfiguration, I learned to hold space for personal and ancestral trauma layers to arise, heal, and show me how life works, liberating more energy and space for more light to enter our lives.


For you to be born and here today, thousands of your ancestors had to be born, live, hurt, fall in love, celebrate, and die. How many struggles, challenges, emotions, storms, and frustrations did your ancestors undergo for you to exist, in this moment?

The 4,094 ancestors who lived, worked hard, invented, succeeded and failed and overcame the odds over the last 400 years so that you could live – they all still love you and support your quest in this lifetime.

Your nervous system is a library of hundreds of thousands of years and knowledge. This knowledge rests inside you and connects you to your grandmother, for instance, on your mother’s side. Your attention is like a web browser. Your search engine goes to the metaphoric website of your grandmother, and the data stored in your system appears. Through your conscious intention, the connection to data from the ancestor is held in the living tissue inside you, not to somebody out there.
Ancestral Math

You are the library of millions of years of data, and when you focus on one ancestor, they hear your call and want to make the connection.

Who you are looking for is looking for you.


I want to share what I’ve learned with you, but more importantly, I wish for you to hear and feel what your ancestors are waiting to share with you, with the world that is needing elder voices of tolerance, empowerment, and redemption. Maybe they have already shared with you, and you’re not sure how it works or how to talk about it.

You are invited to join us in healing your ancestral wounds, reclaiming your connection to ancestral wisdom, and opening your voice. Nature’s secrets in our present bodies are calling us to integrate the power of personal, collective, and soul intelligence for healthy and prosperous lives.

The Love Continuum, a pleasurable, spacious, and sacred space for attunement to our highest selves, is calling us to engage in a truly extraordinary life-changing adventure.

Please join us! I will love to see you there!
Love, Marya

With Marya Mann, Ph. D. (Learn more about Marya Here )

WHEN: Saturday, March 15th, 1 – 5 pm
HOW: LOVE OFFERINGS — $50 per Gathering

Kindly register here for the March 15th event here: Sign up for Love Continuum on March 15th

Please call 808-345-0050 to learn more and find out about partial scholarships.

Please send this link to interested friends and Learn more about Love Continuum Here

WHERE: New Thought Center of Hawaii — 81-6587 Mamalahoa Hwy, Kealakekua —Directions: http://www.newthoughtcenterofhawaii.com

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