Good Luck Banners to Banish Kids Hunger

Countdown! We are five days away from the eighth annual Hawai’i Island Festival to celebrate the humble yet revered avocado, one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Everyone is anticipating the fun and enjoying the way everything is coming together. Dr. Rick Bennett of Honaunau harvested 120 avocados to FEED THE CHILDREN.
“Out in the orchard today,” he writes, “I look up in two big trees and OMG there is abundance.. did I miss it before? I dunno. Anyhow I picked about 120# of Yamagata and Linda avos today. I will leave them in buckets as they ripen faster that way.”
Mahalo, Dr. Rick! We’re also working hard to organize our booth by preparing yummy free nutritious snacks for the keiki and gathering materials for the yummy sensational silk-painting activity for children to share with the community.
Mahalos to Shannon, Kathy, Ed, Andrea, Maureen, Colin, Tom, Terry, Mark, Kelly and Koakane for stepping up to the plate (pun intended!) and helping to make this event swing!
An extra Big Mahalo goes to Susan Gallery, for sharing incredible talent, amazing art and heartful time with FEED THE CHILDREN! The banners are going to be stunning and beautiful. The keiki will have full bellies and light hearts!
Are YOU able to help with food, time or financial support?
We are looking for:
- Food and supplies: 10 × 12 white tarp, lemons, limes, avocados, bananas, grapes, dipping chips, 50 more recyclable bowls, 50 napkins, paper towels.
- Food preparers to make avocado or banana treats for 10-20 children and bring to the festival. (We have some avocados or you can provide your own). Rather than have one big preparation kitchen, we’re asking 10 or so volunteers to make guacamole, banana dishes or gather sugar-free drinks and bring them to the booth throughout the day at 9, 11, 1, and 3. Please call Marya at 328-0171 to sign up for your TIME!
- Volunteers throughout the day for 2 -3 hour shifts for food service, children’s activity and speaking with guests about Feed the Children and Project Hawaii as well as one more volunteer each for booth set-up at 8 am and close-out at 5 pm.
- Donations of art and services for our Silent Auction. We already have a gorgeous painting by Susan Gallery and a Francene Hart print as well as certificates for health and other services.
- Donations to purchase supplies, gas, ink, etc.
Please contribute now! Visit us at. . .
We nurture positive change in our own backyards by feeding and caring for keiki and families who are vulnerable, hungry and often invisible to the general public.
One of the projects FEED THE CHILDREN is supporting this year is PROJECT HAWAII’S Homeless Keiki Summer Edu-Camp, to be held for five days at Kalopa State Park near Honoka’a from July 14-th – 18th. We will be coordinating a portion of the food service and education for the camp experience.
Edu- Camp is offered free of charge to 24 homeless children between the ages of 3-7. The purpose is to gather the neediest keiki and provide them with a safe place, good food and graceful experiences, as well as giving them some of their back- to-school needs. At a graduation lu’au at the end of the camp, camp kids plus 75 more keiki will receive backpacks filled with supplies, new outfits and shoes.
Help a Homeless Child Today with a Donation
Silk “Good Luck Banners to End Kids Hunger” will be suspended among the trees at the Avocado festival. Easy and fun for children to do, painted silks are a perfect medium for bringing awareness to the fact that, on average, more than 30% of our planet’s children struggle with food insecurity –many of them literally starving in Africa and Asia — while a tiny fraction live in extreme wealth. With an elegant array of “Good Luck Banners,” we will make a positive difference and bring hope to many.
Besides serving food and offering a silk-banner painting activity for children on April 5th, we will be garnering food commitments from farmers, chefs and volunteers as well as materials and trainers for the Project Hawaii Summer Edu-Camp. Our plan is to offer a Raw Food Preparation Workshop, an Art Banners Workshop (for take-home and fUNdraising sales) and a Yoga Dance Playshop to bring out the rhythm in every child.
Your generous donations will support children in need. FEED THE CHILDREN is a team of doctors, artists, business and health professionals, social activists and teachers who volunteer to give free, healthy food service to children and support them with yoga, art and educational activities.
Many Big Blessings,
Marya for Feed the Children
Call 808-328-0171 for more details
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“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.” – Albert Pike