FLOURISH, FLOW AND CREATE A POSITIVE WORLD: "Use the 3-to-1 Ratio for Positivity"

think like a proton

Life takes us into so many different dimensions that meditation and inner work can have a hard time keeping up! Working with other teachers and having the privilege to study and be with so many brilliant people has changed me and it’s also led me to look at what makes the greatest difference between a person who flourishes and one who languishes.
Flourishing, successful people have something in yoga we call shraddha, a Sanskrit word for “faith,” or more closely, “conviction at the core.”

People who flourish are convinced that there is a positive way to view whatever happens. Their home base is a sense of positivity toward others and the belief that there’s an energy, a quality of love, inside and around us, that’s bigger than what we will ever face in life. This is not a Pollyanna view that nothing’s ever off-target,” but more a lifestyle of re-aiming your direction and reaching into something deeper. In fact, when times are difficult may be the best moments to find that deeper something and turn challenges into lessons for a greater life.

In her new book, Positivity: Top-Notch Research Reveals the 3 to 1 Ratio That Will Change Your Life, Dr. Barbara Fredrickson says that it’s not actually the intensity of positive moments that lead you to have a positive, happy life – rather it’s the ratio of positive emotions over negative emotions on a long-term, consistent basis. Negative emotions are heavy due to something called “negativity bias,” and so you need significantly more positive experiences in a given day to outweigh the negative ones because they are so weighty. So when someone asks us to “lighten up,” that is a quality of light they refer to, but also of unweighting, or dropping the heavy emotions.

Here’s the point: At a greater than 3-to-1 ratio of light to dark emotions, people can be classified as “flourishing”, while below that they are “languishing”. The 3-to-1 ratio is a form of “tipping point” and there’s a science to how well you’ll feel and flourish based on your increasing positivity and decreasing negativity.

That doesn’t mean to deny dark emotions. It means that the nature of
“e-motion” is motion. Movement is life. Moving emotions through the body and allowing fresh energy to enter us through yoga, dance, creativity, conversation, therapy and travel bring us some of life’s greatest gifts. By looking for the best in situations, accepting most troubles as a small part of life, and asking questions rather than making judgments, everyone is happier and more productive.

The “Flourishing Personality Type” has a “positivity ratio” that Dr. Fredrickson measures with her instruments, but you can also see for yourself using a Quantum Healing tool by simply writing down your “captured thoughts” exactly as they tumble from your mind. If three positive thoughts for every negative thought come forth, you are probably a “flourishing personality,” a term borrowed from Martin Seligman, the positive psychologist. If the ratio is lower, the good news is you can change it. And there’s every reason to make the effort.

Flourishing people who perform at extremely high levels are often so excited about what they are doing with their life, that they not only live well, they are driven to do well for their surrounding communities. This personality type inspires others and pulls in people with their energy and enthusiasm, but more significantly they genuinely care about others. They help uplift everyone with their vibrancy. There’s a contagious quality to their positive energy.

Many personal life implications result from flourishing: enjoyment, stability, happiness, achievable challenges, healthy relationships, and resilience. Being in awe of life, curious and flexible to new situations and ready to give as well as receive also describe the flourishing person.

Positivity makes you more “open,” including more open to new and different opinions, and in this case, people of other races, cultures and lifestyles. “Flourishing” people are also particularly keen to do volunteer work and give back to their communities. Flourishers tend to magnetize around certain communities, as in San Francisco, areas of West Hawaii, and hopefully in your own community. If so you may be part of a new “Creative Class,” hard-working, motivated, passionate people who by luck or choice live in communities that value creativity

The implications of positivity for business success are some of the most exciting news coming out of Dr. Fredrickson’s research. When the 3-to-1 ratio is seen in groups working together, the high performing teams have high connectivity between team members, more respect for each other, and they tend to ask questions rather than advocating their personal point of view only.

High-performance teams that experience more positive emotions broaden people’s minds and build their resourcefulness in ways that help them become more resilient to adversity and effortlessly achieve what they once could only imagine. With Positivity, you’ll “Flourish, Flow and Create a Positive World” that works for everyone. You’ll learn to see new possibilities, bounce back from setbacks, connect with others, and become the best version of yourself. It’s worth the effort!

Big Blessings!

Contact Dr. Marya now to set up a time for an initial Quantum Healing consultation. A phone session, Skype or in-studio appointment can help change your life for the better, forever. Call now: 808-328-0171.



“As a holistic healer myself, I’ve researched and experimented with virtually every alternative modality available… and still come back to Marya’s heart-centered Quantum Healing when I’m blown off course.” — Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Energy Diet

“The quantum healing has been a unique growing experience. Back home now, I can say if you get excited about knowing yourself even more than you do now, I definitely recommend it. It feels like my personal and my female power have grown. Plus I have tools now I can use every day to keep myself better connected to myself :) Thanks to her intuition, everything just flows… “ – Ariane, Massage Therapist, Canada

“Marya made me feel safe, and conveyed so much passion. I love her!” – Anonymous

“Three days after one session with Marya, in which we balanced for
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of my life. No kidding. This stuff works!” — Anonymous

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Kona Coast Wellness
Kealakekua, Hawai’i

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