Felicia Blesses Peace Flags for Ukraine

Aloha, Kakou! Love to us All!
Felicia always keeps us in stitches! By that, I mean laughing and in good humor, but this amazing woman also stitches patterns of love, peace, and light-heartedness into fabric garlands for ArtWavEs’ unique Peace Flags.
These beautiful silk banners are blessings of peace to the world, and soon, they will be world-travelers too!
Hand-painted by Hawaiian children who want to live in a world at peace, each flag is inscribed with images of friendship, kindness, and creativity. These are the guiding principles taught by ArtWavEs mentors and volunteers in mindful art classes at Kealakehe Elementary School, SKEA, and workshops and festivals this past year.
Textile artist Felicia Feefee — whose name Felicia actually means lucky, fortunate, and “the great happiness” – sewed the 11” and 60” silk paintings into stunning arrays which ArtWavEs is preparing 30 Peace Flags for a travelling exhibit in Ukraine.
Children were asked to express their dreams for peace on two flags, one a personal flag to take home, and a larger banner for sharing with Ukrainian children. In a selfless act of child-to-child empathy and gift-giving, they created the banners knowing they would give them away. So, the Ukrainian Banners carry the palpable energy of children intending peace on Earth, and also their leap in maturity – what it took to think beyond one’s personal gain to include the well-being of others.
They said to their Ukrainian counterparts – the children living in a war zone — “From Hawaii, we send you Aloha with these paintings. May you find peace in your heart and in your everywhere you live.”
We are incredibly lucky that one of the finest fiber artists in West Hawaii is also a major sponsor and donor of time and expertise to Pacific ArtWavEs. A mother, designer, and businesswoman, Felicia owns Creative Costumes in Kainaliu and invented a classy line of eco-fashion clothing made from soft recycled denim and colorful fabrics which she sells online and at her store.

Well, not just HER store. Creative Costumes is a family affair; her hearty husband Greg — who has a great eye for style — and their energetic daughter Dahlya, radiate the kind of light that comes from people who imbue care and beauty into everything they do. As allies in helping people to look and feel their very best, they make every venture to the shop for new, vintage, or party clothing a delightful experience.
One common “thread” they share is their love for ArtWavEs and the positive impacts we have on children. Felicia once said to me, “I love this project and will do everything I can to help.”
“Why exactly?” I asked my noble friend.
“I believe you’ve found the solution to the problems of war and violence. You have discovered the key to Creating World Peace!”
That is a very kind thing to say, and there is truth to it. But I haven’t discovered it — WE did. Every person who finds their way to ArtWavEs has always carried a vision for truth, goodness, and beauty in a sacred world where peace prevails.
For five years, Felicia has been consistently stitching her love for children and world peace into Peace Flags and Blessing Banners. Long before that, she was helping to feed hungry children during our holiday dinners, provided warmth and care to their families, and helped to organize ArtWavEs so that we can continue our mission: serving nutritious food and food for the soul to guide children toward a world where people can feel safe, secure, and peaceful.
ArtWavEs – AWE for short – is a vehicle for Awareness, Wonder, and Energy. We agree with John F. Kennedy that you cannot create peace by making war. On September 25, 1961, the former president said this to the UN General Assembly: “Mankind must put an end to war—or war will put an end to mankind… Let us call a truce to terror. Let us invoke the blessings of peace.”
Artists and shaman in ancestral cultures made art to communicate with the invisible world. Theys made objects that reflected their felt sense of AWE. Painted fabrics frolicking with the wind, Tibetan prayer flags, and Celtic and Native banners were among the many tokens of wonder made to show that, in this place, the spirit has visited.
Art, they believed, came from Nature. They listened for the whispers of the Cosmos to guide them in performing a healing function in the community. And so, their art, freely received, was freely given to the community and its members.
Modern artists tend to commodify art. Much art has become just another product to be sold. Consider how the most integrated and peaceful cultures, like the Balinese of Indonesia, have kept a sense of the sacred alive through community artmaking, as we do in ArtWavEs. The Balinese continue the full circle of love by giving regular daily offerings of palm leaf, rice, incense, and flowers, and in return, Nature gives food, sustenance, and more. Everyone is considered an artist and capable of making art for the good of all.

Felicia’s gift of artistic needlework reminds me of my Balinese friends. They have so much love they must express it and gift it to others. That’s the kind of person that supports child-to-child peacemaking through mindful art. That’s the kind of person who supports Pacific ArtWavEs.
In a culture at war, expressing love can be a dangerous thing, and thus we have the inversion of love in too many humans who are afraid that choosing kindness and giving is somehow giving up a kind of freedom.
Philanthropists like Felicia live by a different ethic. Her contribution of time, energy, and artistry supports children, teens, and families with the good nutrition, mindful movement, creative empowerment, and intentional artmaking that AWE provides to them. With this encouragement, education, and material support, they can create healthier futures, and they also tap a deep well of generosity and inspiration by making beautiful art for others, as they have done by painting Peace Flags for Ukraine.
Felicia and her family share so much of themselves with the community. Their benevolence helps us provide skills, motivation, learning, tools, and resources for making and sharing peace through silk Prayer Flags – food for the soul as well as food for the body!
Mahalo nui loa! Thank you, Felicia, Greg, and Dahlya!
Marya and the ArtWavEs Family
Creative Costumes is located at 79-7412 Mamalahoa Hwy, Kealakekua, HI 96750
Hours: Opens 11:30 am. Times may Vary. Please call first
Phone: (808) 731-6000
We appreciate your support!
Please Donate: Support the Ukrainian Peace Flag project, a new Ugandan ArtWavEs Training, and children’s Peace Arts scholarships in Hawaii, Utah, Illinois, and beyond — CONTRIBUTE TO ARTWAVES HERE
Brief Video: Please spread the good word by sending this to friends! ArtWavEs Mission