Feeling Good Starts from the Inside

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From lifestyle medicine to the integration of holistic healing practices, mainstream thinking about true health is undergoing a major shift. Each day, we learn more about the tremendous impact our daily lifestyle habits have on our long-term resilience and well-being. Our lifestyle is a matrix of what and how we eat, what we think and feel, how we regulate emotions, who we spend time with, how we earn a living and how we communicate.

This is where yoga comes in. Recent evidence shows that yoga doesn’t just improve physical health. It also re-calibrates the nervous system, affecting mood, balance, strength and long-term resiliency. Yogic breathing is a fundamental practice in the tradition of yoga, a path illuminated by Patanjali in his Sutras. The path has eight limbs, one of which is pranayama, or yogic breathing.

The benefits of yogic breathing are profound. Besides pain relief, centering and cleansing the body with prana, conscious breathing enhances brain function and expands awareness. Recent research shows that people struggling with pain, trauma, anxiety, pre-performance tension and depression benefit enormously from yogic breathing. In fact, most modern-day diseases begin as inflammation and tension in the body. Yogic breathing soothes and removes tension and balances the body for excess or deficiency. Long story short, yoga is a life-saver.

“Health must begin with the body,” writes B.K.S. Iyengar. “Physical health is not a commodity to be bargained for, nor can it be swallowed in the form of drugs and pills. It is something that we must build up. You have to create within yourself the experience of beauty, liberation, and infinity. This is health.”

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