Sunday Equinox Ceremony: The Subtle Dance of Body and Soul

Aloha Kakou! Love to us all!
I am delighted to be guiding the annual Spring Equinox Ceremony at the New Thought Center of Hawaii on Sunday, March 24th, 2024, at 10 am! Spring calls us to an inner and outer flowering.
Nature does not need humans to continue its glorious task of flowering, fulfilling its promise every year despite our mistakes and woes. Celebrating the perfect equilibrium of Equinox — “Equal Night” — when days and nights are of equal length, gives us cause to pause and stand, affirm, sing, and move in awe at the power, beauty, and perfection that celestial mysteries and Earthly evolution offer us.
You are invited on Sunday to participate in this glorious flowering and to welcome the flow and glow of Springtime with community drumming, starting at 9:45 am on Sunday, March 24th. The main service will start around 10:00 am.
The service will take place on the lanai and the program will be live-streamed via the New Thought YouTube channel soon after. Please bring your own mat if you want to lie down for the journey, and a drum or rattle if you have such ceremonial objects. (A few extras will be available.) Participants will be invited to go on a shamanic journey, a personal meditative experience that begins with a guided visualization and drumbeats that induce an altered state of consciousness.
At the heart of shamanism — the most ancient spiritual practice known to humankind, dating back over 100,000 years – is a key teaching that everything is alive, has a spirit, and is connected within one subtle web of energy, a relational field that permeates all life on Earth and beyond. Some Ancients call this field the Dreamtime or the Sacred Realms, and our ancestors tell us this field is inhabited by compassionate and wise spirit helpers or archetypes that are always present and ready to guide, heal, and assist in Soul recovery.
From the New Thought Newsletter: “Our guide, Marya Mann, will introduce you to this field, sharing stories, dance, and chants from her own “fieldwork” in the many realms. Journeys to the three levels of this webbed reality – the primordial, the cultural, and the cosmic – support our reconnection to Nature. They bring needed medicine to heal traumas and recover from the Soul loss so prevalent during these turbulent times.
Attending to the subtle dance within invigorates rivers of fluid intelligence and the fountains of joy flowing naturally in our bodies, revealing our “Bio-Lineage” as well as our “Ancestral Lineage.” Obstacles to the flow cause paralysis and depression; unleashing the flow and aligning with the changing choreography of fluid intelligence brings liberation and ecstasy.
Together with others on the mystical and shamanic path, our subtle inner vibrations become part of the larger dance of life. In the relational field, as our feeling-tones are attuned, we score a symphony of conscious interdependence. Inner and outer harmony, reflecting the equilibrium so beautiful in the Sky during Equinox, renews us. Radiant ripples of love and forgiveness uplift our families, communities, and our world.
Marya empties out her Bowl of Light. Hawaiian Kupuna tell us we are all born with a Bowl of Light, and throughout life, that bowl can be filled with the stones of anger, pride, and greed, but we have the power to overturn the bowl, dissolve the stones, and start fresh with new light pouring through us. Make the choice for love. Empty and replenish your Bowl of Light this Sunday at the Equinox Ceremony.
Marya holds a Ph.D. in Creative Arts from the Union Institute and has been teaching and counseling Yogis, therapists, teachers, couples, families, and children for 30 years. The co-author of Healing Our Planet, Healing Our Selves, she has worked closely with experts in childhood development, mindfulness, and collective trauma healing and is certified as an advanced PSYCH-K® facilitator.
Her own spiritual journey led her on many spiritual and creative paths including Yoga, Shamanism, Continuum, Art Therapies, Buddhist Ensemble Theater, and more. After studying with Trungpa Rinpoche, Emilie Conrad, Joseph Campbell, Stan Grof, Joan Halifax, Osho, and Richard Freeman, she taught at the International Yoga Teachers Association, and led Yoga Arts Journeys in Bali for more than a decade.
Since arriving in Hawaii 17 years ago, she has assisted students and clients through Quantum Healing sessions, online Soul Medicine workshops, Evolutionary Yoga Flow classes and Yoga with Hawaiian Perspectives at Hawaii Community College. Writing for Ke Ola Magazine, she delved into the lives and teaching of some of Hawaii’s most prolific healers, artists, farmers, futurists, and leaders. That was how she came to interview, know, study with, and write about Aunty Mahealani Henry, Shamanists Hank Wesselman and Jill Kuykendall, and the Kahuna Nui, Hale Kealohalani Makua.
Now, as founder and program director of the Pacific ArtWavEs Peace Flag program to Nourish Children, Marya devotes herself to preventing Soul loss and healing trauma in younger generations. By spreading peace in our time through early childhood training in mindfulness and intentional artmaking, our future becomes brighter.
Realizing that we are all wounded by the ways of this world, she believes it is our kuleana – our responsibility — to become holy and creative beings once again.
“Every day offers a new initiation, a wink, and a prayer,” she says. “We must see ourselves as creators first. If the impulse to innovate is denied and sublimated into consumerism, the energy is turned back in on itself as a destructive urge! We can purge that urge by making clear the pathways for creativity to flourish. The opposite of consumerism and collapse are creativity and kindness! We can choose which way we will go!”
A hui hou!
Until we meet again!
With admiration and appreciation for the many ways we are blessed,
READ about Pacific ArtWavEs Peace Flag program by clicking HERE
SUPPORT the Peace Flag movement HERE