Enchanted Loom | A Poem

Something bugs me. Is it the flutter of a wing?
Who is nagging me in this dark cave,
Where I move as a light beam?
Is it a snake, a mirror, the River Styx,
An blessing arrow, a barb, a mosquito, or all six?
How do we interpret when something happens?
The mind designs stories, to survive,
In the world or intrinsically, narratives
Arrange events, feelings, and atoms,
Hoping to find the way to thrive.
The eye is meant to see things in the dark.
To be sweet cool water, the flow, and wet feet.
So a red snake comes forth, with wings. It carries a leaf.
Snake leaf will heal anyone you wish, says the snake.
Put it on them, with the second leaf, then nod,
And they will know their truth, open to magic,
And may even become a tiny flying god.
I started to say, Where is the second leaf,
But he disappeared and I said it only to the painted walls.
A thought flies by. A fly soars past.
Reactionary mind dusts up a storm.
Shadows speed along, chased by the glow,
Of the torch in the soul of my dreamflow.
Watch the whirling mind. Take a sacred pause.
Hold your lover’s hand. Hold your own hand.
Innocent, mysterious, and wild,
Beauty is everywhere. Be brave. Be bold. Behold.
On these bumpy walls, ancient artists painted animals,
Water spirits, magic plants, incantations,
My fingers trace lines, dots, ovals, and waves.
Prayers and pointers left behind and forgotten,
Until we remember to find them, until we crave.
We are all indigenous peoples of Earth,
Here in our DNA. The sturdy discipline
To labor underground by torchlight,
Having no fear of their own power,
With a passion for making from insight,
Beautiful things for us to find.
Lovemaking, inventions, meals, campfires,
Sunny days by fresh creeks, storytelling, struggle, grief,
Laughing in rainstorms, celebrating, dying, being reborn
And just then a white snake arrived with a second leaf.
Oh yes, how much our ancestors went through
To make us, said the second snake.
Out of their vision, work, wisdom, and love,
You have grit and creativity to sing the praises from above.
And now you have the second leaf.
She offered the foliage in her reptile wing,
I received it gratefully and placed it with the first leaf,
Over my own heart, in a crucifix.
I felt all the love of those who would not give up,
To be certain we were here, and without fear.
Courageous harmonizers, restarting the world
In the light of the good.
Now, in the cave on the verge of light, the white snake says,
With two leaves that heal as a breastplate
You can see things disconnected people can’t see,
And you have the two snake leaves that are green,
Coming from the red and white snakes,
Two emerald leaves that will heal anything.
On the fly or in the stillness of morning quiet,
You might forget the old chestnut about seeing is believing
When believing is the conceiving in utero,
Before we find the next passageway, vault, bardo, or relieving.
And there we are standing at the mouth of the cave,
In the sunlight, our true loving selves open up.
Listening to the soft murmurs, so dear,
You ask what you really want:
What is the life wish that brought me here?
The red snake comes back. Two reptiles hug and kiss,
Before saying, You came to relate to the Souls
Who also came bravely across the midnight stars
In soul boats with lovers and friends
Who didn’t want to miss this!
They said this in unison, while navigating as light
Before the rebirth in the channel dark as night.
Intent on her revival, the renaissance we came for,
We are the Seers, we sing. We are the seen.
We are pain and that which relieves pain.
We are the ones to make a world never seen before.
The red snake says as we walk away from the cave,
There’s a Tibetan proverb: Take care of the minutes,
And the years will take care of themselves.
The white snake adds, Don’t forget to remember that,
And you will save the world,
And you will be saved.
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Enjoy a powerful way to stay healthy, meditate, and refresh your optimal well-being through heightened somatic awareness and visualizations that unleash your true being, a healing presence in the world.
Find more transformation, writings, mp3s, and videos by Marya at www.maryamann.com