Early Easter Gift | Resurrect Your Body Right Now!

water lily

My motto in life is this: Life’s a Stretch. . . Do Yoga!

Like a flowing stream, we need constant renewal to remove stress and toxins and to live well. Pranayama — control of the breath – stretches vital energy inside the body, cleansing and renewing every cell, organ, gland, bone and muscle. Being mindful of the breath and inner movement, we find ourselves and what really matters.

Conscious breathing is so simple, and yet the effects are nearly miraculous. It releases tension in the neck, shoulders, ribs, spine and back. With gentle movement at an integrative pace, specific breathing routines rejuvenate both sides of the brain, increase memory, improve outlook and synchronize body and mind for more pleasure and less pain.

Most of us started breathing and never examined this most basic of life actions, and yet to breathe mindfully has enormous benefits for healing, toning, strengthening and stretching our bodies and minds into new healthier shapes and harmonious outcomes.

Even a tiny improvement in breathing can make a huge difference. So here is my Easter FREE GIFT to you!

Here are three breath exercises guaranteed to give you a natural yoga buzz anytime. Take a breather and enjoy the moment. Find your resurrected body, your joyful self, right at the tip of your nose.

1. Nose Breath

Good breathing starts with awareness. Every time you remember, pay attention to how you are breathing. No judging. Just notice. Close the mouth and breathe in through the nose, where the inhaled air is humidified, warmed and cleansed of bacteria and other particles before reaching the airways and lungs. Exhaling through the nose rewarms and remoistens it while the trapped particles are blown out.

When we breathe through the mouth we take in unfiltered air that is cold, dry and full of particles, making the airways narrowed, irritated and inflamed, which is why it is better to inhale and exhale through the nose.

The mouth is for eating, speaking and kissing. The nose is for breathing.

2. Ocean Breath

Often called Dirgha Pranayama or the Complete Breath, Ocean Breath invites us to exercise every air passageway by filling the lungs completely. Sit with your spine erect or lie down on your back. Begin taking long, slow, and deep breaths through the nostrils. Let the exhale flow out naturally and passively. Close your eyes and focus inside. Notice how this creates a sound like ocean waves.

Ocean Breath reaches deeply into the lower part of our lungs, engaging the diaphragm—our most important breathing muscle, a dome-shaped muscle that sits below the lungs and above the abdominals. On a slow inhale, feel the diaphragm press gently downward to massage the abdominal organs with ripples of movement. Touch the lower side ribs to feel the chest expanding like a balloon; feel it entering the front, back, upper, lower and both side ribs. Bring air deeply into the full bronchial pattern — the shape of an upside- down tree — from the trachea to the tiniest passageways, the alveoli.

Feel the exhale from the top of the lungs. Contract the abdominal muscles to squeeze out all of the residual air. Pause briefly in emptiness and relax before witnessing the natural beginning of the next conscious inhale. This keeps the chest and lungs healthy, flexible and relaxed. In the the gaps between inhale and exhale, relax, and there is cessation of fluctuations in the mind, a gap. That is the beginning of yoga meditation.

Ocean Breath can help clear up allergy and vog-related problems like cough, cold, and congested sinuses, bronchial and nasal issues. It increases overall energy, improves digestion and assists elimination.

After breathing like this for a while, it starts to feel natural. You can do Ocean Breath during an asana practice, before meditation, to help you sleep, or anytime you feel like it.

Kids as well as adults love this next Yoga Breath:

3. Bumblebee Breath

Use your fingertips to lightly cover your closed eyelids. With your thumbs, close your ears. Inhale deeply through the nose and on the exhale, let out a low humming sound. With the eyes and ears closed, lengthen the hum so it reverberates in your head and sounds like a buzzing bee. Repeat three, four, or more times.

As you do the Bumblebee Breath, bring your inner gaze to the third eye, the point between your eyebrows. The Bumblebee Breath calms the mind and inspires new creative ideas.

Next time you are feeling overstimulated or uninspired, be like a bumblebee and buzz.

And please join us for the …

Yoga Solutions Seminar for Resurrecting Your Body

Saturday, March 19th, 1 -4 pm.

Mark your calendars! We all learn so much through discovery and sharing during the 3-hour seminar. There will be easy-to-read handouts to take home to support your daily practice.

Please register early by clicking here: Resurrecting the Body

WHERE: KEALAKEKUA RANCH CENTER’S beautiful new room, HERITAGE HALL, 82-6066 Mamalahoa Hwy. in Captain Cook, Hawaii

On the first level facing the ocean, below Choice Mart and behind the steps leading to the second floor. We’re excited to make this shift to another beautiful location — which is convenient with ample, safe parking.

For Details, please call (808) 345-0050


“Best class I’ve had in 20 years.” — E.P.

“You are the most gifted yoga teacher I’ve ever known.” – S. K.

“Your Yoga healed my back. I feel ten years younger — better than ever.” – J. I.

“I am being healed one class, one minute at a time and so here is an opportunity for you as I know Marya, ‘the yoga shaman,’ might be a solution for your tired aching body as well.” – E. P

Please register early for the integrative yoga seminar to be held on Saturday, March 19, here: Resurrecting the Body

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