Book Review: THE CHAKRA ENERGY DIET by Becca Chopra

The Right Food, Relaxation, Yoga & Exercise to Look and Feel Your Best!
By Becca Chopra
Fun, nutritious and colorful! From first tasty bite to the last, Becca Chopra’s vibrant new book is a feast for the senses, a square meal for the cells and a juicy delight for the higher mind. And for dessert? She serves healing visualizations that help us set the table for zesty living where food is medicine, meals are celebrations, and honoring food is a meditation on achieving your full potential.
In short, in Chopra’s book, the supreme yoga is a culinary art.
But the book is not just for yogis. Chopra says people who struggle with seesaw dieting, self-love, relationship, success and prosperity issues can find clues to chakra imbalances in these life problems. “You can thank your body,” she writes, “for giving you the clues you need to reach for your perfect self.”
Connecting the dots between the energy source of problems and the behaviors that either help or hinder their resolution, Chopra offers simple, fun lifestyle solutions to reverse the disease-ridden trends of modern dining. Color-coding foods to reflect desired energy states, yoga poses to stimulate vitality, and affirmations to affirm your True Self are easy to find and use in the well-organized book designed to help you “feed your chakras with high quality energy.”
Part I highlights the saboteurs of your health and weight that you need to avoid. Stress and pushing down uncomfortable emotions are two of the main menaces, but sugar, GMO foods, saturated fats and MSG all warrant abstinence. In Part II, you learn to identify if a chakra is out of balance and exactly what to do about it. “Eating a rainbow of colors is important to keep the chakras balanced,” explains Chopra.
Besides specific food combinations, exercises and yoga postures, undemanding suggestions like incorporating light exercise after a meal – “aiding your digestion as well as lightening your stress load” – are included.
I have long admired the natural spirit and articulate science in Becca Chopra’s work. Her previous books – The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, and Balance Your Chakras, Balance Your Life – show an uncommon nuance and perspective in her ability to communicate the power of subtle energies in concrete terms. Now, her passionate, clear aesthetic shows how one can make an art out of eating and make food for the soul out of art.
Together with brilliant color photos, Chopra’s text arouses the hunger for good food, not empty calories, making this one of my favorite kitchen books, almost good enough to eat!
Find It now! All proceeds from sales of the book in the following week are going to “Feed the Children,” connecting children in need with healthy food.
Review by Marya Mann, co-author of Healing Our Planet, Healing Our Selves, who can be reached at
For more information on Becca Chopra’s work, see, where you can download a FREE 10-minute Chakra Balancing Meditation.