Ancestral Lineage Healing - Saturday, March 15, 2025

Love Continuum: Moving Meditations & Journeys
Saturday, March 15, 2025 at The New Thought Center of Hawaii in Kealakekua
For Visionaries, Shamanists, Mapmakers, & Exalted Souls…
“Don’t act small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.” – Rumi
Aloha, Kakou! Love to us All!
During this tender, troubling, and transformative time, I invite you to pause for a moment to remember the Universe is looking out for our greatest good.
Trust that you are in the right place at the perfect time, and that Nature has perfected your slow, easy breathing into a touchstone, a key to choosing wisely and filling every cell in your body with more love, light, and life.
Tendrils of nourishing photons ought to be the sixth major food group, sustaining we humans and all of life! In the Love Continuum, we receive a life force feast, and light comes in many colors and flavors.
Through evocative music, shamanic breathwork, song, story, and fluid movement, we engage a field of enchantment. Tapping the sacred flowing in our physical bodies and the universal spirals and wave patterns of the cosmos, we fully inhabit our connectivity.
From the atoms in our toes to the radiant intelligence of our hearts and the infinity of information available to us in Spiritual Worlds, we are Nature. Expanding awareness to include the whole, and healing the whole, opens up a heightened energetic ecosystem we can call the Healing Matrix, the medicine our world is thirsty for.
Studying the energetic field of timeless light that brought life to Earth gives us access to the healing and creative powers that made us, inspire us, and surround us. The more fluid and flexible our tissues are, the more e-motional range we have to respond to today’s issues.
Taking time to witness the limitless love flowing through us helps us to stay healthy, focused, and creative in the unfolding dance of life. Enmeshed in the expansive array of physical and spiritual resources available to us, we thrive. Our Souls and Oversoul feel aligned and on purpose.
And yet, when so many good people around us are caught up in tension, repetitive trauma patterns, & limited 3-D perspectives that cause suffering, many of us can feel loss and despair.
Soul Loss
In suffering, we disconnect from our true Nature, the network of oceans, our souls, our breath; we lose contact with Love’s Continuum, the universal life energy that animates space and matter. Suffering zaps our presence, our feeling selves, and vitality as part of the cosmic web of living alliances. Often, if pain and shock become unbearable, we split off parts of ourselves and don’t feel fully alive. Shamans call it “soul loss.”
While 80% of cultures through most of human history believed in the soul, connected with Nature, nourished their bodies, moved whole-heartedly, and communicated freely with their ancestors, our modern societies have upended these essential wisdom practices. We see the results of this omission everywhere we look. Whole groups of good people are being hurt by human-created tides of trauma symptoms like dissociation, numbing, isolation, repetitive woundings, and false beliefs.
The Kahuna Nui Hale Makua
The beloved Hawaiian Kahuna Hale Kealohalani Makua foresaw this. While he died in 2004, he was the Kahuna’s Kahuna, often called the Dalai Lama of Polynesia. He foretold of a time in the future when world leaders would go too far into the negative polarity and the warrior aspect. Their negativity would destroy them, he said, and almost take civilization down too.
The good news, he added, is that new leaders expressing the peacemaker aspect, the positive polarity, would incarnate and help to midwife the rebirth and recovery of the World Soul.
How? Through deeply embodied awareness of and contact with the Dreaming, our personal Soul Cluster, and the Aumakua, ancestral rivers of light, sound, and feelings that, when attended to, move us toward fulfillment of our Kuleana, our life purpose, and a greater sense of wellness for our ailing planet.
In the 1970s, when people began coming to the Hawaiian Islands from other lands, some were not welcome, but, Makua said, those who were respectful and present to assist in the coming spiritual transformation foretold by Hawaiian prophesies would be needed. These healers, he said, were crucial to the Great Awakening foretold in the Ancestral Grand Plan.
Hawaiians called these new arrivals halani or “gifts from heaven.” I imagine, if you are reading this, you are a halani. No matter where you live, if you realize the state of our planet, our politics, and our social discord reflect deeper, soul-size issues, then it is likely you are a gift from heaven, healing cells in the global body.
Halani are encouraged by these times and Makua’s words to be present and flowing not just with the times, but with the Movement Intelligence itself. We ARE the movement, say the ancients. We don’t DO the movement.
The moving bio-energetic field that brought us here and that is guiding us home has unfolded a bio-shamanic lineage that stretches back further than the imagination can usually follow, to our common ancestors — the oceans, land, and atmosphere. This field connects us to the arrival of Earth’s earliest lifeforms, reaching back to the emergence of humankind, to our earliest families, and further still to the birth and death of stars.
Knowing and honoring our lineage is essential to shifting the tides of our planet toward peace and health.
Soul Recovery
Fortunately, we are entering an Age of Awakening, Transition, and Renewal. To rise to the challenge, you are invited to a special series of joyful and empowering Movement Meditation gatherings taking place over the next five months.
Healing Movement Meditations offer us tools and time for direct revelations, liberating insights, and contact with your Source without external interference. There is deep trust, joy, and reverence in knowing our truth and purpose from the inside out.
Our next movement immersion event begins on Saturday, March 15th at 1:00 pm, and closes at 5:00 pm. There will be Love Continuum sessions in April and May as well, up through June’s Summer Solstice on June 22nd.
These mindful movement intensives give us sacred time, inspiring music, and focused guidance to experience and stabilize the timeless nectar of Love and Nature’s intelligence in your every cell.
We live in a field of collective wisdom, a Love Continuum that pours naturally through every living being. By reclaiming the somatic messages that weave through our bodies as micromovements, waves, and spirals, textures, tones, and rippling pleasure, we unite with the Soul’s multi-dimensional essence. We reclaim our “de-colonized” body, our true nature, and healthy, liberated embodiment.
When we synchronize our awareness with the Love Continuum, we reconnect to the deepest and highest streams of peace, life, and light. Our bodies heal, our minds relax, and our spirits soar.
In these Love Continuum Healing Movement circles, we will inquire, journey, and perform ceremonies to open and sustain vibrant pathways extending through billions of years of our planetary process. By letting go of false beliefs and deepening our true intentions, we will tap into fields of extraordinary creativity and development as a species, and as allies to life itself.
Together, we will:
- Experience deeper levels of sensation, feeling, emotion, spirit, and imagination.
- Wake up from the “cultural trance” by nourishing the transcendant Spirit Realms
- Find your “Inner Healer” and explore the “oceanic mindset” of Polynesian mysticism.
- Restore flow states blocked by our modern dependence on “rock logic.”
- Develop skills for retrieving soul fragments for healing self & others.
- Remember the full radiance of your “soul cluster.”
Custodians of the Collective Wisdom of Life Flow Within Us
Love Continuum movement sessions offer cutting-edge ancient wisdom for personal restoration and attunement. Our allies on the quest are our unique and intelligent embodiment, Nature itself, and the worlds of transpersonal spiritual intelligence.
In these experiential movement events, you’ll feel the soulful pleasures of embodiment through deep listening, finding the inner music, and deep healing through timeless practices of Continuum Movement, Somatic Presencing, and Shamanic Journeywork.
We will explore outer maps and inner maps that steer your life, integrating the guiding principles while journeying to the past to recover lost soul parts and visit Ancestral Allies, and to the future to “future-port” your destiny.
At this remarkable time, there is a cosmic wind in our sails. This is a good time to journey far, feel deeply, and turn the tides of our humanity toward the Love Continuum.
Remembering what the Wizard said in Rings of Power — “Alone it’s just a journey. Adventures must be shared!”
I will love to see you there!
Love, Marya
WHEN: Saturdays, March 15th, April 19th, and May 17th.
WHERE: New Thought Center of Hawaii — 81-6587 Mamalahoa Hwy, Kealakekua
LOVE OFFERINGS: $50 per Gathering
To attend on Saturday, March 15th, Please Register Here
Please call 808-345-0050 to learn more and find out about partial scholarships.
New Thought Center of Hawaii
81-6587 Mamalahoa Hwy,
Kealakekua, HI 96750
Directions to the New Thought Center