8 Lessons from Heroes in the Universe Story

In this blog, I’ll share with you what I’ve learned from two of my heroes, a man who dedicated his life to the Biggest Story ever told, the Story of the Universe, and a woman who reinvented HOW today’s stories are told. These lessons can benefit anyone: yogi, activist, mother, father, farmer, artist, teacher, poet, entrepreneur or CEO.
“8 Lessons from Heroes in the Universe Story”
Every choice we make today creates our shared tomorrow. When Thomas Berry had an epiphany in a meadow at the age of 11 in 1925, he had already concluded that commercial values were threatening life on the planet. That epiphany in Nature set him apart from his peers, and led him to warn that pathological destruction was taking place in every ecosystem.
Our Universe adores Heroes like Thomas Berry, a Roman Catholic priest of the Passionist order who called himself a “geologian.” His influential writings were an early call to humanity to stop abusing the planet. Cultural historian and “Earth scholar,” Fr. Berry awakened countless evolutionaries, educators, mystics and poets who were moved by the depth of his science-celebrating, Earth-honoring spirituality.
Berry’s 14-billion-year perspective reveals what heroes of this new time can learn from archetypal themes of success and happiness from the old times. Here are “8 Lessons from Heroes in the Universe Story.”
- 1: LOOK TO NATURE FOR WISDOM: The story of the natural world, he said, gives us the psychic energy needed to deal effectively with this knowledge – the “Inconvenient Truth” of how we’ve abused the Earth — and to accept our own responsibility for the crisis. Crisis moments occur in every life, and in society as a whole, as when a Congress debates whether or not to attack a foreign nation. Berry asked us to look at how Earth’s molten lava brought forth fish and how flowers changed the world. He challenged us to discover truth for ourselves, to learn from the course of our existence and the way we interact with the natural world.
#2: THINK IN TERMS OF DEEP-TIME: The story of the Universe is a tale of expansion within the creative immensities of time and space that spawned a speck of pure energy nearly 14 billion years ago that became everything we see around us. While the stories of poverty, crime, war, and even global warming are huge, the majestic and significant story for humanity is the story of the eras of life—the first cells, the ancient seas, forests marching across continents, the mega fauna, and then us.
#3: DON’T BE AFRAID TO ROCK THE DOMINANT PARADIGM: “The universe, the solar system, and planet Earth,” he wrote, “constitute for the human community the primary revelation of that ultimate mystery whence all things emerge into being.” That was quite a statement for a Christian, displacing the idea of a remote Supreme Being that controlled the universe. That is why it is so important to know the Universe Story, he said. When his listeners would ask him what they should do, Thomas would reply, “There are 10,000 things that must be done, and one of the most important is that we learn the story.”
Heroes in the Universe Story don’t cling to the past or stop to ask permission of anyone. When spirit moves them, Heroes move. Heroes listen to their True Nature as a long-term affair, their “still, small voice within” a steady compass point of equanimity and reliance on basic goodness. Every day, one breath at a time, this basic goodness is the Hero’s saving grace.
#4: ACCEPT DANGER, KNOW YOURSELF AND PLAY FAIR: The classic Hero defined by Joseph Campbell in The Hero with a Thousand Faces, drives the plotline forward, growing strength, goodness and wisdom’s gold for soul salvation and community health. They rescue families, homes, nations. The Heroes in the New Story have a slightly different task: Our job is to save the planet, to reverse the damage done by fratricidal cultural wars, instigating a new humanity striving to play fair as much as to win. Our new Hero claims playing fair IS winning. We can’t cheat Nature and shouldn’t ever again think we can.
Humanity’s self-destructive patterns are over: we must help recover sustainable systems of weather, soil and water by not inflicting any more damage — all with sufficient spiritual fervor to overcome a mountain of dangers and disappointments. What a juicy story this is! As in any good story, the Hero faces ordeals, and through them, learns proper alignment with the Universe Story, living authentically, true to natural principles of goodness and sharing light that lifts the whole, a great uprising. All boats rise on the same river and we are the river.
#5: AGE DOESN’T MATTER, BUT THE QUALITY OF YOUR COMPASSION DOES: Our world needs gods of compassion and goddesses of excellence. We don’t need the violent gods of old millennia or vain Heroes who care only for themselves. We need Heroes who love the planet and the plants, the animals and people on it. Our world needs Heroes of humble strength, daring intelligence, and masterful skill. The first skill is being willing to take responsibility. The second is believing in yourself. The third is having compassion for others, and the fourth is speaking the truth. We need Heroes who take responsibility for compassion – “feeling together” — people like Thomas Berry who realized all he had been told was wrong. The real error in humanity occurred when we shifted our allegiance from our love of nature, and nature as the subject for worship, to a foreign, unearthly, very far away concept, a set of principles and symbols.
Meditation on the nature of the Universe brought Fr. Berry an awakening before he reached his teens. Most folks are afraid to be alone in a room meditating on their deepest truths at the age of 70, much less at 11. But Berry claimed his own mystical knowing as a child, a rare gift. The Buddha was 33 before enlightenment dawned, the same age as Christ when he died on the cross. Some reach Samadhi at 111. Each is on their own timeline but all the action is NOW!
#6: FIND POETRY, BEAUTY AND MAGIC EVERYWHERE: The Universe itself was primary for Berry; the Story of the Universe was Nature’s holy book. “We put it (the story) in our language, the birds put it in theirs, and the trees put it in theirs,” he said. “We can read the story of the Universe in the trees. Everything tells the story of the Universe. The winds tell the story, literally, not just imaginatively. The story has its imprint everywhere.”
He encouraged students and readers to view the Universe and the human role within the Universe as our primary source of value and intelligibility. Only through learning this 13.8-billion-year story of how the Universe came to be in the beginning could we fully appreciate the meaning of life.
#7: THINK FOR YOURSELF: We need Heroes like Arianna Huffington, the visionary behind Huffington Post, who is quite a force of nature herself. With her global media network she changed the way we interact with news of the Universe. A top-notch journalist from Greece, she reinvented how newspapers distribute stories by going online eight years ago, and in 2012, The Huffington Post became the first commercially run, United States digital media enterprise to win a Pulitzer Prize. With her Mediterranean zest for conversation and insightful view of how technology could bring us closer together through participation rather than removing us from the sources and streams of global information.
In an interview with Peter Diamandis, Arianna advised, “Think differently from other entrepreneurs by accepting failure and learning from it. There are a lot of failures along the way. I always stress that. I have two daughters, one just graduated from college, the other a junior, whom I always talk to about my failures.”
#8: BECOME FEARLESS: You can’t give up after one or two failures. Failure, though painful, is a natural part of learning. What may look like failure could be only a part of a larger learning curve toward your objectives. A river winds in many directions before it finds the sea, but many people and entrepreneurs insist on success right away.
“The difference between success and failure is perseverance and not giving up after one or two or three failures. Just keep connecting to that place where failure doesn’t matter,” Arianna said. “If we become so dependent on things always being a success, then we’re in a very vulnerable position — because we’re not in control of how the world is going to receive something,” she said. “I’m reading Marcus Aurelius, who was a Roman emperor and a Stoic, about how to get to the place where bad things can happen and you are not affected by them. This is now my ambition because I think that from that place then you can act so much more effectively.”In starting any new venture — whether it’s a blog, business, relationship, balancing a health issue, making a podcast or finding the real meaning in life — we must overcome the temptation to have all the answers and read all the right books to start. We must simply begin and trust as the Hero does, that guidance will come from within and or consequences will greet us and guide us, teaching lessons that have value, according to the larger story, the Universe Story.
You are called to act, to fulfill the hero’s journey, your role in the story of the Universe you were made for. Fighting against your call is futile. You can never be content until you have taken the steps to liberate yourself, to earn your keep through collaboration with the Earth and natural laws, not stealing the black blood of the earth and draining her of her power. Use courage and grit to restore the balance. Give to Earth, sacrifice your greed, and go forward on the adventure of a lifetime.
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DR. MARYA MANN, Wellness and Creativity Consultant
“Come as you are. Leave as you want to be. Enjoy everything in between.”
The evolutionary principles of Quantum Healing show you how to navigate through change more effectively. You’ll learn Q-Healing methods of meditation, visualization, improvisation, movement, art-making and gratitude. Realize improved health, perfect calm, ecological balance and the sacred economic wisdom that comes from understanding the Laws of Creativity.
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“It’s been revolutionary in my life. Dr. Marya’s Quantum Leap Healing and Creativity helps me be more aligned in conscious & unconscious mind. I’m exploring & pulling up a broader array of resources that aren’t usually accessible. I’m using it with my kids, in business, and in my personal life.” — Ray Rappold, Real Estate Developer, Santa Rosa, CA
Balanced Life Consulting with Marya Mann, Ph.D.
Wellness and Creativity Specialist
www.maryamann.com – #808-345-0050
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