4 Ways to Nourish Your Heart | Be Learn Do Let

The heart delivers oxygen to every cell every minute of your life. It’s also one of the most important and generous energy points in the body, giving nurturance to our physical, emotional and mental states. Yoga equals love equals self-acceptance equals giving equals a healthy heart.
So how do we sense, clear and open the heart? Especially when we’re feeling hurt, worried, confused or bullied?
Here are four yoga solutions — and a fifth way if you’re in Hawaii— for when we’re feeling emotionally hurt or restricted in the chest.
A – Be in Nature: If we’re stuck inside working or in a car driving, we can disconnect from the vast fields of nature. Returning to nature, even it’s for a little bit, helps to revitalize and heal us.
B. Learn to Accept Love: If we’re hurt or feeling down, we may not see love when it’s right in front of us. We may feel closed off. Allow yourself the opportunity to really see the love given to you by friends and family. Accept it and be grateful, even if it’s something small.
C. Do Yoga: Heart-opening postures open us to new worlds of feeling, aliveness and dimensionality. Backbends release energy that might be blocked in the chest and guide us to open the heart to new possibilities. If you’re open to practicing yoga, learn some heart opening postures. A forward curve from working at a desk, driving a car or simple stress can literally close the heart. Back bends open the chest so new vigor and inspiration can flow into the spinal column. That’s why back bends are considered the best for healthy aging!
D. Let go: The past is past, and yet sometimes it lives on in the body as trauma. Letting go of tension, drama and trauma is a powerful way to heal and open your heart. Everyone has karmic baggage…but carrying that baggage wherever you go is unnecessary. Make a decision to not let your past wounds define you now. Move forward and let yourself love and be loved again!
Be kind to yourself. You deserve it. Let your radiant heart come alive!
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.” — Helen Keller
WHEN: JULY 30, 1:00 – 4:00 PM
WHAT: Align yourself inside and out! Tap into the joy of your natural body and being.
WHERE: Kona Dance and Performing Arts Studio, 81-973 Haleki’i St. in Kealakekua (across from the Corner Pocket).
The three-hour course will focus on Gentle Movement at a slow, integrative pace for maximum rejuvenation, strengthening, deep relaxation and increased blood flow to the heart and brain. Yoga restores our natural radiance from the core of the body, allowing more wholehearted movement in everything we feel, do, think and say.
Learn chest- and back- stretching yoga poses that soothe the entire thoracic spine and rib cage while relaxing the neck and shoulders.
Pre-registration required by Friday, July 29. Mahalo! Learn more and register here:
Call 808-345-0050 for more details.
“Yoga is every person’s direct intimacy with reality, an entirely abundant, regenerating, and nurturing power. This is yoga from the heart, for the heart, and it promises health, intimacy, well-being, and joy.” — Mark Whitwell