14 Generations, Joanna Macy -- October 19th Heart Fire Ceremony

Hands with light rainbows

Aloha Kakou! Love to us All!

In the October 19 Love Continuum Movement Intensive, we will explore the rhythm of the Heart Fire and make deep contact with our fascia — the connective tissue in our bodies that mirrors the threaded web of all natural life.

We’ll ask what life is really about. We’ll ask how deeply we are willing to look to know our own roots and create the best future for Earth first, and then for our ohana and ourselves.

The indigenous people tell us we need to install an understanding of seven generations before us and seven generations after us to be the Earth caretakers we need to be at this time of Transition. It takes vision and power to accept responsibility for our lives, for the fullness of the wisdom heritage we receive from our ancestors, and for our shared future.

We’ll perform the Healer’s, Seers’, and Blessing Rites and be guided in a shamanic journey for ancestral healing and destiny tracking.

When we gather in sacred space, set intention, and honor the spirits of place and time, we receive vision and power. We unwind tension and awaken our cosmic bio-intelligence, the dance of embodied presence, reverence, and reconnection between our hearts and the great wisdom of Nature.

This matters because life has given us responsibility for these bodies, this hearts, and we carry the intelligence of ancestors, teachers, and transpersonal beings. We are capable of doing great things with these gifts. World Peace. Ending Hunger. Making great Art and discovering new Science and Spiritual Understanding.

What gets in the way, and how can we nourish the inner Heart Fire so that we can balance rest and readiness, energy conservation and expenditure, and great goals with the simplicity we need to live meaningful lives?


If you have friends who can benefit from relief, joy, and the power of their own Heart Fire, please SPREAD THIS MESSAGE FAR AND WIDE!

I look forward to seeing you there!
Love and Gratitude, Marya

WHEN: Saturday, October 19, 1-5 pm
WHERE: New Thought Center of Hawaii — 81-6587 Mamalahoa Hwy, Kealakekua Find directions at www.newthoughtcenterofhawaii.com


Through immersive meditations, blissful kundalini-kindling dance, beautiful, soul-searching music, and celebration of a symbolic Fire Ceremony to cleanse and nurture the body, energy, and space, we will dissolve blocks to abundant aliveness and amplify life’s natural radiance. Deep healings happen. Through the attentive embodiment of presence and feeling, tissues move, blocks clear, and prana, mana, and chi can flow.

Bring a journal and/or sketch pad, pen, water bottle, a yoga mat and/or blanket, and drums or musical instruments if you have them.

Creating an intimate, loving, safe, and gracious space to unfold the next spiral of our blossoming, we can rest deeply, heal, and learn more about the Soul Cluster of Hawaiian tradition and the three anatomies of Continuum, which helps us connect to ourselves and this island more deeply.

As a gift and reading recommendation…
….I recently discovered this relevant writing by John Seed and Joanna Macy. Please enjoy!

“What are you? What am I? Interconnecting cycles of water, earth, air and fire, that’s what I am, that’s what you are.

Water — blood, lymph, mucus, sweat, tears, inner oceans tugged by the moon, tides within and tides without. Streaming fluids floating our cells, washing and nourishing through endless riverways of gut and vein and capillary. Moisture pouring in and through and out of you, of me, in the vast poem of the hydrological cycle. You are that. I am that.

Earth — matter made from rock and soil. It too is pulled by the moon as the magma circulates through the planet heart and roots suck molecules into biology. Earth pours through us, replacing each cell in the body every seven years. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, we ingest, incorporate and excrete the earth, are made from the earth. I am that. You are that.

Air — the gaseous realm, the atmosphere, the planet’s membrane. The inhale and the exhale. Breathing out carbon dioxide to the trees and breathing in their fresh exudation ONS. Oxygen kissing each cell awake, Adams dancing and orderly metabolism, interpenetrating. That dance of the air cycle, breathing the universe in and out again, is what you are, is what I am.

Fire — fire from our sun that fuels all life, drawing up plants and raising the waters to the sky to fall again replenishing. The inner furnace of your metabolism burns with the fire of The Big Bang that first sent matter- energy spinning through space and time period and the same fire as the lightning that flashed into the primordial soup catalyzing the birth of organic life.

You were there, I was there, for each cell of our bodies is descended in an unbroken chain from that event.” —John Seed and Joanna Macy

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